Boating Distress Signals That We Must Know

Spending time out on the open water is very fun and fulfilling, but in some situations, it can also be very dangerous. It’s very important that every boating enthusiast be aware of the visual boating distress signals to be used in the event of an emergency, or that might indicate that a nearby boat is in trouble.

Being aware of these visual distress signals before heading out on the water will prepare you to take action and maybe even save someone’s life in the event of an emergency. Here are the most important boating distress signals to know, when they’re appropriate for use, and what you should do if you see them out on the water.

Boating Distress Signal Basics

There are a variety of different types of accepted boating distress signals. The accepted US distress signals are listed in the Coast Guard’s Navigation rule 37, which states that boats shall use accepted distress signals to communicate to others that they require assistance.

Boating Distress Signals
Boating Distress Signals

Most are dependent on the specific situation you’re in – for example, there are some signals that are only to be used at night, and some that are only for use on inland bodies of water. However, under no circumstances should you use a distress signal unless it’s actually an emergency. False alarms not only come with legal penalties, but they also can be very dangerous for other boaters.

In many places around the world, all boats are required to be equipped with the necessary materials to put out visual distress signals. In the US, boats must have distress signals when sailing in bodies of water more than two miles wide, or when sailing in international waters.

There are some exceptions for smaller boats during daytime hours. For example, in the US, boats under 16 feet long are only required to carry night signals, not day signals. Having the appropriate distress signals on hand is essential for sailing safety – you never know when an emergency could happen.

Pyrotechnic Distress Signals

Pyrotechnic distress signals are one of the most commonly known types of distress signals. This type of distress signal is so effective because it can help others find your boat quickly.

In the US, the three types of pyrotechnic flares used are parachute flares, orange smoke flares, and red flares. These flares can either be launched or handheld. It’s important that they are in good condition so that they can be used safely. In some cases, a gun fired at intervals of one minute are also acceptable distress signals.

You should always carry at least three pyrotechnic signals that can be used during the day and three that can be used at night. Any combination of the aforementioned pyrotechnic distress signals will work.

Generally, smoke flares are more effective during the day, while red flares and parachute flares are for use at night. In the event of an emergency, you’ll likely need to set off more than one flare to catch the attention of another boat.

Other Types of Distress Signals

There are a variety of other types of distress signals that can be used to indicate an emergency. One of the most common is distress signal flags, which can be put up to indicate to passing boats that you are in distress. This flag usually features a square and ball pattern, although there are a few types of approved flags for distress signals. These are crucial to have on hand because they are very easy to use.

Another type of distress signal is a continuous foghorn sound. This distress signal is often used in large bodies of water because the sound of a foghorn will carry very far and have a good chance of attracting other boats.

In inland waters, you can also use a flashing white light to indicate distress. The light should blink approximately 50 to 70 times per minute and should be very intense to be effective.

Another good distress signal that can be used in combination with other distress signals is water dye. This is released into the water around your boat and turns it a different color, making it easier for aerial search vehicles to find you.

Communicating your distress via radio or morse code is another way to indicate to nearby boats that you need help. Of course, in many cases, you may not be able to send out a radio signal, but if you can, this is one of the first things you should do.

You can send out a radio signal saying ‘mayday’ or an SOS via morse code. Some radio systems have a distress alarm built in. If all else fails, waving your arms to a passing boat is typically an accepted indication of distress.

Where to Buy And Store Your Distress Signals

Distress signals can be purchased from a variety of different retailers, such as sporting goods stores and online shops. It’s important when purchasing your distress signals to make sure they are Coast Guard approved if you are in the United States, or approved by wherever you will be sailing. It’s also important to make sure they are good quality and durable, as they will likely stay in your boat for a long time.

Your distress signals need to be stored onboard in a safe place that is still accessible. It should be far enough out of the way that others won’t accidentally move them or open them, but they should still be easy to reach in the event of an emergency. They should be stored in a hard box that is clearly labeled distress signals. Be sure to keep them far out of reach of any children that may be on board.

When To Use Distress Signals

Distress signals at sea

There are many instances in which you may need to use boating distress signals. In general, any situation where you immediately need assistance from another boat will warrant the use of distress signals. It’s better to put out a distress signal right away as opposed to waiting until the problem has gotten worse because your chances of receiving help are greater.

Medical emergencies typically warrant the use of distress signals, as do technical issues with your boat. It’s important to set off distress signals in a place where others are most likely to hear or see them. For example, if you are setting off a flare, look for aircraft flying overhead and try to time your flare so they will see it. You will also want to use radar and look for other boats nearby to try and catch their attention.

It’s important to be very cautious when setting off pyrotechnic distress signals because they can be very dangerous if not used correctly. Since they are so hot, they should be shot off at an angle where they won’t ignite your boat or any other nearby boats.

It’s important to remember that each pyrotechnic signal can be used only once, so your timing is absolutely critical. Frequent boat users should be trained in the safest ways to set off a pyrotechnic signal, so you won’t have to waste time trying to figure out how to set off the flares and can instead deal with the situation at hand.

It’s also important to keep in mind the weather when setting off a distress signal. For example, smoke signals work very well on clear days with light to moderate winds, but if winds are heavy, the smoke will disperse faster and won’t catch the attention of other boats as effectively.

If it’s raining, you may also find that the visibility will make it difficult for others to see flares and flags. In these cases, audio distress signals such as a foghorn or a radio signal will be much more effective. For radio communications, we can use Marine VHF radios or marine stereos.

If you are inland, you may find that an intense flashing light will be most effective, because it can cut through fog or rain and catch the attention of other boats.

What To Do When You See A Distress Signal

It’s important to be prepared to help if you see another boat in distress. Familiarizing yourself with the accepted distress signals will not only help you in an emergency, but it can also help you save someone’s life. The first thing to do when you see another boat in distress is to alert the Coast Guard right away, making sure to give the exact location of the boat to speed up the rescue process.

You can also put out an alert on either CB channel 9 or VHF marine radio channel 16. These are used as distress channels. This is why a quality marine VHF radio is always important. Then, you should determine if you can assist the other boat. If you can help them by providing resources or transportation back to shore, you should. However, you should also take care not to put yourself and others on your boat in danger. Use your best judgment to help others.


Familiarizing yourself with distress signals is an important part of sailing, and definitely not one to be neglected. Every sailor, whether professional or recreational, should know how to keep themselves safe on the water with distress signals. It is an important boating safety tip from all experts.

Even though it’s unlikely you’ll experience an emergency, being prepared with a proper life jacket on is always helpful. If you are sailing and do not have good sailing knives for your own safety, you may face an ugly situation for not remembering a small thing. Please make a small checklist before you touch the water.

How To Drive A Boat In Rough Water

Is winter coming to an end where you live? Do you know how to drive a boat in rough water? Are you constantly thinking about taking out your boat to do some fishing or just enjoy the warmer weather? Thousands of boat enthusiasts will hit the water when the weather breaks, and many will run into rough waters and terrible storms, but only some will be prepared for it.

One of the first things boaters need is to be prepared for anything since Mother Nature is unpredictable and you could, unfortunately, find yourself and your boat in a situation you weren’t ready for. That’s why we must know how to drive a boat in rough water which will permit us to keep calm and to handle the situations.

By being prepared for the possibility of bad weather striking while you are out enjoying the water is one of the most important aspects of boating, safety should be your first priority. The following tips can help you navigate your boat in rough waters, allowing for good memories as opposed to bad ones.

How To Drive A Boat In Rough Water

Safety First and Proper Supplies

Always be prepared for the inevitable. Be sure you have a plan in case of an emergency. Any boat captain can tell you that having an emergency float plan can be a lifesaver.

Once you create your float plan, let anyone else that is going to be on the boat with you understand its importance and understand what part they might play in getting through rougher times.

Also make sure that everyone on the boat knows where the emergency supplies like float rings, life jackets, first aid kits, emergency lights, food, and other items are located.

Along with an emergency plan and emergency supplies, always keep on hand and in the boat a few other items such as satellite radar, a GPS unit, VHF-FM Marine Radio, navigational charts, and a hand-held compass in case you get stuck in a storm and loose electrical power.

Also bring extra fuel along, because if you run into a storm, it can eat your fuel supply up leaving you stranded.

Understand the Weather

It’s not unusual for professional boaters to check the weather forecast every half hour or more because as mentioned before Mother Nature is unpredictable and a force to be reckoned with. The National Weather Service will announce marine warnings if the threat is out there.

By understanding the language of the NWS, you will know what to look and listen for. Marine wind warnings are issued in knots and nautical mph instead of the regular mph that everyone understands. The following marine warnings that every water enthusiast should learn.

Mild or Light winds are 1-14 knots=1-16 mph

Breezy or Moderate winds are 15-19 knots=17-22 mph

*Small craft warnings occur when winds are mild, light, moderate, and strong.

Gusting or Strong winds are 20-33 knots=24-37 mph

*Gale warnings occur when winds could strengthen to 34-47 knots

Storms wind are 48-63 knots=55-73 mph

*Storm warnings occur when winds could strengthen to 48-63 knots

Be sure to listen to the weather before and during your trip, and keep alert to changing weather patterns.

Know Your Craft/Know Your Distress Signals

Be certain you know the ins and outs of your boat or craft. Although they are created for the same reason, no two boats or crafts handle the same. So knowing how your boat handles in different situations is a top priority before heading out onto open waters.

While avoiding rougher waters is your best course of action, it isn’t always possible. So knowing how to navigate safely through them is no easy task, but can be learned with trial and error.

Novice boaters that are not prepared by the tips provided, will have a harder time even knowing how to handle rougher currents. Veteran boaters that understand will have an easier time making it through rough waters.

Just because one storm passed you over, doesn’t mean that another one will be so gracious, so you want to get yourself to safety or your systems back up as soon as you can if they have gone out. Using the distress signals that you’ve put in place can be the difference between safety and peril.

Techniques To Drive A Boat In Rough Water

We should know the proper techniques to learn how to drive a boat in rough water. These old techniques are well proved and valid for rough waters of different situations. Let’s get to the points…

Reduce your Speed

Should you find yourself out in the middle of an ocean or any large body of water and the waves are becoming rougher, slow your speed. The first thing that inexperienced boaters want to do is speed up to outrun the oncoming storm, this almost never works and can end in unthinkable circumstances.

You will need to fight the urge to speed up, instead you’ll need to slow your boat down. When you reduce your speed, keep an eye out for other water lovers, boats, water skis, and any debris that might be floating nearby, you want to avoid both to lessen the damage you may obtain. By reducing your speed, you will be able to navigate much safer than at higher speeds.

Ride the Waves

Sometimes by slowing down and idling, a storm can just pass you by, but not always. Therefore, if you find yourself heading into treacherous waves, do not take them on head-on. By running your bow straight into the waves, you could capsize, lose power, and damage your only way home.

Another thing to remember is not to ride parallel to the waves because the same circumstances could occur. Instead of heading straight into the waves, position your bow at a 45-degree angle when heading into the waves. You want to be driving slow enough to ride the waves instead of going through them.

Try to keep your boat on top of the waves, and you’ll have a much better chance of getting through the storm unscathed. You can also use a zigzag pattern to navigate through rougher waves, allowing, again for your bow to stay atop the waves instead of straight into them.

If zigzagging doesn’t help you in making progress, keep your boat headed into the wind, but slow and adjust your speed this way you aren’t causing yourself to have any headway, at least until the rougher waters subside some.

Bailing Out Water and Dropping Anchor

When you are navigating through a storm and rough waters, you may notice that your boat is actually taking on water over the bow and along the sides. If your boat has a bilge, be sure to pump it out with a bilge pump, so that you can stay in higher water.

If you don’t have a bilge, make sure you have something to manually remove the water with and if you have a passenger in the boat this should be one of their jobs in order to keep afloat.

When navigating at reduced speeds in rough water and your engine stops, immediately you should be dropping anchor from the bow. You do not want the waves to push you into unknown territory, especially if you have no power and your navigational systems are not working. With a dead craft, only drop the anchor from the front of the boat, never the back.

Being prepared and knowledgeable can be your best friend. All of these tips can help various water enthusiasts to be ready for the inevitable. Even those individuals that enjoy the sport of Whitewater rafting can benefit from learning these safety tips or refreshing their minds with them.

Granted, they are diving headfirst into rough waters voluntarily, safety should still be the first thing on their minds before beginning their adventure.

Most whitewater rafters know the dangers of their hobby and understand the dangers of rougher waters because they have prepared for the inevitable and enjoy the thrill of tackling the rapids. They know what they are getting into, and have learned the proper techniques and safety aspects.

Most whitewater rafter enthusiasts know the ups and downs of the sport, but there are many that are new to the adventure and can benefit from the following information.

White Water Rafting

As mentioned before, all water enthusiasts can benefit from learning the basic rules of safety. It goes without saying that some of the tips for boating in rough waters may not apply to whitewater rafting, but safety should still be a priority even for an adrenaline rush like whitewater rafting.

Before heading out on the waters, be sure to have the following supplies on hand and be sure they are used properly. Most professional rafting outfitters will have most of this gear on hand for your use as part of their rafting packages but check with them first.

Always find a professional outfitter that has guides that are familiar with the sport and the area that you will be rafting in.

White Water Rafting

*A Life Jacket or Personal Flotation Device–when wearing a life jacket make sure you wear it correctly. All buckles should be buckled, and all straps should be strapped.

You’ll want to make sure you wear it loose enough for movement, but not loose enough it does you no good and falls off or can be pulled up over your head. Have your professional outfitter fit the jacket for you; they will not mind.

*Wear the Protective Gear–protective gear is the helmet that is usually supplied by the outfitter you chose for your trip.

*Wear the Proper Clothing–this can depend on the time of year you are going on your trip. Many times in the spring the water can still be a little cold so wearing a wetsuit, a splash jacket, and river/water shoes can be much more comfortable for you.

If summer is your season of choice for whitewater rafting then quick-dry, lightweight clothing, sunscreen, and sunglasses with UV protection will make your trip that much better.

Other Tips to Follow

Hold the paddle properly–with one hand cover the ‘T’ end of the paddle, the other hand should be positioned at the base of the paddle on the shaft. This will give you the control you need to navigate. If you are unsure, ask your guide for the correct technique for holding the paddle.

Stay inside the boat–one of the most dangerous parts of whitewater rafting can happen if you are on the outside of the boat. The rapids can sweep you away in an instant, depending on where you are.

Ask your guide for the proper way to keep yourself inside the raft should it hit a rock. They will give you specific instructions at the beginning of your trip.

Learn the proper swimming techniques–there are several resources you can check out before your trip in order to learn the proper swimming techniques in the event that you fall out of your raft and end up floating down the river. Asking your guide about this at the beginning of your journey is also a good idea.

Learn the commands–just like with boating, there are some commands and language that you should learn when whitewater rafting. Your guide or instructor will explain them all to you at the beginning before heading out into the water, be sure to listen and understand them, then you can be prepared for your next whitewater rafting trip.


Do NOT Panic! Now you know how to drive a boat in rough water. Be confident and never, ever panic when in a bad situation. This applies to boating in rough waters, whitewater rafting, and life in general. Keeping a cool head and knowing how to control a situation can be the difference between life and death–literally.

How To Mount A Trolling Motor On A Boat

When you have your boat to get you from Point A to Point B when it is traveling on lakes, it makes perfect sense to make sure that you know how to mount a trolling motor properly and in the right place, Of course, rigging your very own mounting process doesn’t have to be a confusing process.

In fact, it can be a very simple process.

When you are able to place this mechanism correctly, you are able to fish for the right fish from bass, panfish, and other types of fish that you can get your hands on when it comes to fishing from that position.

Like what we already stated beforehand, it is an easy process to start. There are plenty of products that you can use to get started right away with a flawless installation.

When you are trailing your fishing boat around the lake, you need to install it on your boat. The real question is how you decide to go through with the installation. It is up to you and your boat.

Some models will make it a requirement for you to install a reliable tool that uses a pushing action while others would want you to use a pulling action, instead.

There are a few things that you have to worry about such as the model of your boat.

Some motors are placed flat on the surface of the boat with a vertical position with the motor that is in the water.

One thing that you have to keep a close eye on is that your mounting pad has to be horizontal to the water. It is basically a requirement so it’s imperative that you remember that.

With the fundamentals out of the way, it is more important to understand how you can create ways for your newfound tool can be properly installed on your boat.

What Tools Are You Going To Need?

When you are about to install your own new motor that trolls while attached to your boat, you need to have the tools necessary to get your new mechanism properly installed.

You are going to need a wrench kit. The secondary thing that you are going to need is a Phillips screwdriver. The third things are drills and bits.

Learn To Mount A Trolling Motor

Before we try to understand how to mount a trolling motor, let’s divide the process into parts. The first thing that you will have to decide is which side of the boat that you are looking to place the location of the motor on.

You can install it anywhere so don’t worry about where you are going to be installing it. The question that you have to truly ask is where and how are you planning on fishing.

Of course, there is a handy way to solve this. You just have to pay close attention to where you are controlling the boat itself. You can be careful about where you are navigating the boat.

The same can be applied in a vice versa switched reasons.

Removing Plate Panels and Assembly of The Motor

Trolling motor installation

The next thing that you have to do is start removing the plate panels. To make sure that you are doing it the right way, you have to remove the securing screws. Most motors will show you the mounting holes.

Afterward, just before you are ready to determine where on the ship that you are ready to start installing your motor you will have to assemble the motor.

Different motors and different companies should have websites in place as instructional guides so that you are able to access the information needed so that you are able to access what processes that you will be needed to go through in order to get your motor assembled correctly.

After you are done putting together your motor, the second thing that you need to do is to attach the shaft. Following that, you need to be able to install the head assembly to the mount.

With the assembled pieces in place, you can place your motor that has been stowed wherever it is best to have it placed on your boat.


Moving onward to the next step, you need to focus on positioning your motor shaft as close to the center as you can. One thing that you can take heed is that the propeller and the shaft could be off-center and it is best to avoid this.

To make sure that you are playing it safe, be sure that you will be using a position that allows for flushing. Usually, it is required in order for your machine to work properly.

Adding to that, you want to make sure that there is less than a 1-inch overhang.

Checking The Location of The Motor Head

When you have your machine in its proper stowed position, you are able to make sure that the location of the motorhead is safely sound and secure.

Beforehand, we were just talking about how you don’t want to have your boat deal with the overhang.

If you do have an overhang on a side of your boat, then you will definitely want to watch out for docks. You could end up hitting it and all the time that you spent on installing your motorhead properly can be destroyed.

Understandably, you don’t want your motorhead to be destroyed so it’s imperative that you make sure that you don’t have an overhang.

What can you do is use a straight-edge. By using this, your motor can be positioned in a way that your motorhead inside your boat.

More Installation

With the position of your mount, the next thing that you have to do is drill two holes into the bow.

This can become a two-man job so be smart and employ someone to hold the newly-installed mount to make sure that it stays in place as you are drilling holes to match the hole pattern in the mount.

After you are done drilling holes in the mount, the next thing that you have to secure the mount, using the holes that you just drilled in. In the Motorguide xi5 review, you will discover that some mounts are not as good as the motors.

After you drilled in your initial two holes, the next thing that you have to focus on is drilling the rest of the holes. It should be duly noted that you don’t have to worry about your mount shifting everywhere.

Another thing that you can do is remove the shaft with the motor head to make the drilling less complicated.

Ideally Speaking…

You should, in the best case scenario, have access to the underside of the bow in order to fasten the nuts to the bolts. You should also be able to secure the entire mechanism itself.

You may not always have that option, though.

When that happens, you will need to go get yourself some no-access bolting nuts.

This way, you should be able to secure the item securely even when you don’t have access to the underside.

Is Everything Secure?

The last thing that you have to do now and is to re-secure everything.

If everything is secure then you are ready to go.

The last portion is focused on how you are able to determine that for your boat.

Let’s Watch A Video Tutorial

There are many good trolling motor brands. Minn Kota, Newport Vessels, Goplus, Outsunny, Cloud Mountain trolling motors, and some more are well-known in this motor section.

Minn Kota is one of the best trolling motor brands. It has famous trolling motors like Minn Kota Endura C2, Terrova, riptide, and more. Here is a video about how to install Minn Kota Terrova, watch it and I’m sure that you will find it easy.

Aluminum Boats and Fiberglass Boats

Your boat weight is very important when you are determining which motor you need to get your hands on. A general rule to help keep things going in the right direction is that you need to have a minimum of 2 lbs of thrust for every 100 lbs.

So, depending on you if you have a 3,000 lb. boat, you need a 60lbs. of thrust.

Different boats have different material that determines the thrust of your newly-installed motor.

Aluminum boats tend to weigh less whereas fiberglass boats tend to weigh more.

Depending on what material your boat is made out of, you should be able to find the mechanism that can give you the thrust that you need.

The trolling motor for pontoon boat is normally a transom-mounted motor which is not very different when you want to mount that.

You should paint the exposed metal or fiberglass parts of the hull and deck with an aluminum boat paint or wax for fiberglass after installing the motor properly.


With everything about how to mount a trolling motor already said, it’s time to go out and sailing.

Our post on the best trolling motor battery can be simply handy for those who want to work with a trolling motor.

How To Build A Dog Water Ramp For Boat

A DIY dog boat ramp is just what many people might need. Dog ramps for pontoon boats are becoming increasingly popular. let’s learn how to build a dog water ramp for when it is needed the most. Boaters want to take their dog out on the water to enjoy the afternoon.

Enjoy a day out on the waves and keep a dog active while the boat moves. The DIY dog boat ramp will be handy for those who don’t want to buy a ramp which is really costly. That will keep people entertained and bring everyone together along the way. Look at the layout for the dog ramps for pontoon boats as well.

Why Make A DIY Dog Boat Ramp?

DIY dog water ramp

Everyone enjoys spending some time out on the water together. Their favorite dog probably wants to come along for the ride. But it takes some planning to keep the dog safe on the water. Pet owners want to do their part and plan for their next trip. The ramp can make it easier for dogs to get out on the water. The pets will enjoy their time out in the sun. People are amazed by the ease of installation with the ramp. It seems to perfectly fit on the side of the boats.

If you have various dogs of totally different sizes then it can be a real problem to choose one ramp for all of them. But if we know how to make a dog water ramp, it will definitely help us. Those who go fishing with dogs may take interest in how to mount a trolling motor on your boat, as fishing and trolling motors are very friendly.

Dog Ramps For Pontoon Boats

Pontoon boats are well known for how easy they are to pilot. They are leisurely and fun for everyone that tries them out too. That makes it popular to attach the dog ramp out on the water. Scope out the best dog ramps that are up for sale.

There are beavertail models and step ladder designs that help dogs get out of the water. The goal is to make the experience fun for dogs on the whole. The ramps are usually lightweight and easily transported to any location too. That should make it fun for everyone aboard the pontoon boat.

Set A Budget For The Project

Buying these parts might get expensive in good time overall. The DIY dog boat ramp is a fun project for everyone involved. Families can get together to share ideas about the homemade ramp for the water.

Dogs enjoy time spent outdoors and will show their approval as well. The project is cost-effective, but plan ahead to make do with a specific budget put in place. Buy parts at reasonable prices and trust the wholesale manufacturer with that role as well.

Replacement parts and cleaning supplies could add to the final cost. Anticipate some expenses that owners might not otherwise think of in advance.

The DIY dog boat ramp is more popular than ever before for those interested. Dog ramps for pontoon boats have helped people complete the project. But they have to budget for certain expenses ahead of time too.

DIY dog boat ramp projects are time-consuming over time for many. There are resources that people can use for these projects. They should plan out how the DIY dog boat ramp should come together. Budgeting is a good first step to take while planning.

How To Build A Dog Water Ramp Yourself For A Boat

Look at a schematic to build the ramp in the home. It takes just a little bit of time to craft the perfect water ramp. Remember to design the ramp to be even and accessible for the dog. Clasps on the sides will help attach the ramp to the boat.

The ramp should be stable as the boat rests on the water. Dogs will ascend a stable ramp and get back into the boat. Safety should be put at a premium to get the work done right.

Proper planning will go a long way for the home project. All parts need to be assembled as is needed for those interested. Draw up a blueprint to get the plan designed in advance. That should appeal to pet owners who want to make a ramp for their dogs.

Remember that it is designed to attach to the boat. It will rest on the surface of the water and help the dog. Older dogs may need additional considerations given their advanced age. They might need some assistance getting in and out of the water from the boat.

Dog water Ramp Idea

Let’s have a short look at how to build a dog water ramp:

  1. We need a rubber mat with anti-fatigue grips for the ramp floor. If there is a big piece we will buy that or we can use 2 or 3 small mats adjusting them together.
  2. First of all, we should adjust the mats together. Zip ties and ropes can be nice for that job.
  3. We should put the pool noodles on the front side of the mats. Let’s choose the noodles as thick as we can buy. The noodles should be attached in the style of a ladder. Two of them can go along the sides of the mats and the rest we can fix in the middle just like a ladder.
  4. We can cut the dog water ramp at the top so that, it adjust properly with our boat ladder. We can use two big size carabiners or D-rings to adjust the ramp with the boat or dock. If we want to put the ramp directly to the boat body we should put a wooden or metal support.

Choose The Right Materials

The ramp is going to be used out on the water in time. The right materials will go a long way towards helping people customize the ramp. Plastic and wood can be used for the ramp project. These materials have to be treated so that they won’t deteriorate out on the water.

But treated plastic and wood are available through certain sources too. The right materials are more popular than ever before for those following along. Research how dog ramps are typically built using plastic or wood. That will show the team how assembly should be approached over time.

A parts supplier will be a great resource for pet owners. They can showcase parts used to build the dog ramp at home. Dog ramps for pontoon boats are actually quite popular these days. Pet owners want to see their dogs enjoy the time out on the waves.

There are DIY dog boat ramp designs that everyone wants to use. The parts supplier can recommend pieces ready for assembly. These are sturdy enough to handle waves out on the water.

They are also treated and ready for use with the pontoon boat. Take their advice into consideration when building a dog ramp for the boat.

Assemble The Parts

The DIY dog boat ramp should be easier than ever to put together. Learn how to build a dog water ramp for boats on the water. The parts actually assemble together quite easily for those that need them.

The DIY dog boat ramp is more popular than ever before for those in the know. Dog ramps for boats shouldn’t take very long to put together. Owners appreciate how simple it is to assemble parts around the house.

Dog ramps for pontoon boats will be a worthwhile process people enjoy doing.

Use interlocking pieces and connectors to piece together the DIY dog boat ramp. The project has been finished by other people, who can explain some of the steps. They can showcase an image gallery of the work that they have finished so far along the way. How to build a dog water ramp for a boat will be made easy.

Dog ramps for boats can be brought on board for those in the know. They are lightweight and can be customized in the home garage. Make the right model for use with any kind of boat.

Consider The Pontoon Boat

Dog ramps for pontoon boats are known for their stable frame. They are boxy and secure while out on the water. DIY dog boat ramp needs to account for features on the pontoon boat.

Don’t install the ramp or ladder too close to the pontoon boat trolling motor. Also, avoid the position of the anchor for the pontoon boat.

These pontoon boats feature an array of elements that make them safe for families. Their stable frame helps balance everyone out on the water. That also helps dogs get in and out of the water as they see fit. DIY dog boat ramp should be customized for the specifics of a pontoon boat.

A pontoon boat can be used for both fresh and saltwater trips. Choose a lake or inlet that allows the pontoon boat to drift over the water. The DIY dog boat ramp should be made to handle these waters. Salt water can corrode certain materials, so plan ahead for that kind of concern.

Dog ramps for pontoon boats should be reliable enough to use many times. Pay attention and watch for corrosion wherever it might be happening. It is possible to repair the DIY dog boat ramp as is needed. Think about what repairs need to be made to see the work through to the end.

There are commercial dog ramps for pontoon boats on the market. Manufacturers are working to make the ramps available for those in the know. Their products are a great example of superior craftsmanship at its best. Use these images as a guide for making a DIY dog boat ramp in the home.

Manufacturers will also include helpful details about the products as they are sold. Those details explain why a fully functional dog ramp should look like in time. Dog ramps for pontoon boats are more popular among customers than ever before too.

Images will help people understand any problems that they encounter. Proper assembly of the pieces is a must for the project. The DIY dog boat ramp is important because it will be used for safety purposes.

Proper planning is needed to keep the dog safe out on the water. The DIY dog boat ramp is a great choice and people want to use it effectively. Keep the image gallery bookmarked for future reference.

Look back at these images to determine how the DIY dog boat ramp should come together. Adjustments and changes can be made for those who want to see it.

Stock Up On Parts

Keep a good supply of parts around the house as is needed. Dog ramps for pontoon boats contain several component parts to assemble. These components have to be sized and installed properly right from the start.

The DIY dog boat ramp is more fun than ever before to make. Spare parts can also be used to make repairs. Look to see if parts are corroded or broken after repeated use. Replace these pieces with spare parts found in the supply. That is the advantage of making a DIY dog boat ramp in good time.

There are parts of suppliers who can help owners do just that. A hardware store probably keeps plenty of parts available for customers. The DIY dog boat ramp is the perfect choice for these owners.

They can choose how they want to assemble the pontoon boat in the home setting. Learn how to build a dog water ramp for a boat. The installation process will teach people much more about the choices they may have too.

Find the right parts supplier to keep the stock coming in for the project. That is a worthwhile goal people will want to pursue in good time.

Attend A Workshop

Experts will sometimes host a workshop on these small-scale projects. They might advertise to teach people about making DIY dog boat ramp units. Benefit from their expertise and understanding when it comes to a few important goals.

Dog ramps for pontoon boats are more valuable than ever before for many. They can’t wait to get out on the water in good time. Learn how to build a dog water ramp for a boat in just a couple of hours. These experts have training and preparation that makes them ready to teach.

They are an outstanding resource that needs to be used in time.

Order an instructional video from any number of sources. Experts want to make a name for themselves by teaching these classes. They can quickly explain how the DIY dog boat ramp is assembled.

The video will actually showcase how the ramp is assembled in good time. A step by step instruction guide will be offered for those in the know. Dog ramps for pontoon boats are surprisingly popular with people.

They can attach the ramp and encourage their dog to try it out. The video will include a demonstration of how that works. That might convince boat owners to take their dogs out on the water.


Innovative ideas have no limit. Our imagination, needs, and situation will determine the way how we can make a ramp for our loving dog. It’s always recommended to have one for our pet and no problem if it is homemade. Enjoy the company!

How To Anchor A Boat Like A Pro

When you have your boat to get you from Point A to Point B, when it is traveling on lakes, it makes perfect sense to make sure that you know how to anchor a boat properly.

Contrary to what you understand about water but water is always moving.

This means that if your boat is not properly anchored in the right place, you will find yourself and your boat swayed away on an unknown location that you are unsure how you got there.

This way, you don’t have to worry about wasting gas to get to one location on time when you are stranded in the middle of nowhere. To be honest, that’s no way to navigate a boat.

Alright, without further ado, let’s get down to brass tax.

How To Anchor A Boat Properly?

Do You Have The Right Tools?

Before you can learn how to anchor your boat the right way so you do not have to worry about your boat swaying the ocean in the middle of the night, one thing that you want to make sure is that your boat has the right tools to anchor itself properly.

Select The Appropriate Anchor

How To Anchor A Boat

If you don’t have the correct anchor everything will be difficult. So, at first, we must select the anchor according to our area, local conditions, and the size and weight of our boat.

One option that you can do if you are looking to start from the very beginning is to get yourself a general-purpose fluke anchor.

This could help out in the meantime as a decent anchor solution for the time being.

Other factors that we should research are the wind and current of the water where we are going to be sailing into.

It’s important that you understand the effectiveness of each anchor in its own setting. For example, Bruce or Claw anchors are highly effective and one of the most popular for almost any type of bottom. It performs well in all conditions and really easy to set.

Plow or Delta anchors are also good for different conditions and different bottoms. Many boaters use plow type anchors for holding their watercraft.

We can use Mushroom anchors for small boats in a lake or even in a river where there is no strong current.

Ultimately, it all depends on the size of your boat and the terrain that your boat is going to find. They are great to use for small watercraft but if you have a large boat, then you should look for something better and stronger.

Grapnel anchors are mostly used in rivers for small vessels. But it works better hooked to something like rocks or anything else.

Knowing the terrain and the size of your boat (and even the material of your boat will help you more than anything when it comes to figuring what you need to do with your boat.

One thing that we need to point out noticeably is that you can’t be cheap when you are buying the anchor.

The bigger is always better in the world of anchors. Buy the best anchor that your money can buy.

This is about your safety and you need to take that into consideration when you have your boat.

Get The Best Anchor Rode

You never know about the quality of your anchor rode until something bad happens … like being swayed out into the wide-open ocean or lake without having the plan necessary to get yourself back to the shore.

You need to check your anchor rode and make sure that it’s not stuck or that it comes out of the ship in place. That way, you can be sure that your anchor rode works.

If you find that your anchor rode is rusty or that is jammed, you are aware of this beforehand and what you need to do now is to take the necessary steps to fix the anchor rode before you start sailing out into the great, wide-open ocean or lake.

Knowing which material you want your anchor rode to be is important. Different materials have their advantages and disadvantages. To reduce the direct impact on the anchor we should use a trace of a chain.

For example, using nylon as an elastic anchor rode allows it to be responsive to the sudden wind and current change.

Nevertheless, you need a strong rope that you can use as a rode to hold your boat in place.

Using braided nylon rope is a strong option for you to use and to work with. The downside is that you can’t use it for frequent use.

Definitely know how frequently that you are planning to sail and adjust your anchors and your anchor rodes for that, respectively.

When in doubt, consider using the anchor chain. It’s strong and if you are a frequent sailor, it must be the best option for you. Always upgrade your anchor rode if necessary.

Drop And Set The Anchor

With the basics already stated around what tools you would need, you just need to know how to anchor your boat properly in most general situations. If you are in rough water for circumstances, you may have to drop the anchor like an expert.

Before driving a boat in rough water, we must know some techniques.

Don’t forget to select a suitable and permitted area for anchoring. We also must know where it is prohibited to anchor.

One: Keep the anchor chain and the anchor rope ready and cleanly coiled. Make sure that your anchor rode is secure and tied to your boat.

Two: Now what we should observe the place of anchoring assuring that it’s free from traffic and other environmental hazards. Select a big space so that we can drift 360 degrees if needed with a radius of 10 times of the depth of the water.

Three: let’s calculate the anchor rode to be lowered with the anchor depending on the distance between the depth of the water and the boat height up to the bow. The measurement should be 7 times of that mentioned distance for normal conditions. And it can 5 times for lighter conditions and should be 10 times if the condition is windy. Again we should tie the measured rope to a cleat on the bow.

Four: Communicate with the others on board that you are going to anchor the boat. Maintain the minimum boat speed and stop the boat where you want to drop the anchor. Now start lowering the anchor slowly and smoothly until it touches the bottom. No, you cannot throw your anchor overboard without a care in the world. Also, one important note is that you are never to drop your anchor from the stern. The only exception is that you already have another anchor that has already descended into the ocean.

Five: Now we should drive the boat back smoothly and slowly up to 7 times the distance between the attachment bow point and the bottom. Make sure that the rope is correctly attached to your bow cleat.

Six: Use a very short reversed power to set the anchor properly. And that’s it. We can turn the engine off.

How To Anchor a Boat on the Beach?

Anchoring On The Beach

Now, that you have your boat ready, the question that you have to ask yourself is, “What type of person would sailing their boat and have it positioned near the beach?”

If you are one of those people then you should continue to read this section. This section is here to help you learn how to properly position your boat so that you can have your boat docked at a beach.

There is a fair warning. Sand (especially at a beach) is abrasive.

It scratches the gel coat. Worse yet, it can have water intruding into the fiberglass laminate. It can also remove antifouling coatings if your boat had recently got a painting job.

Another thing that you need to know when you are beaching your boat is that in tidal water, you are going to have to move your boat every hour or so. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your boat float away.

Everyone does it all the time and understandably, you don’t want to be left out.

That’s human and understandable. however, you should have a better idea of what you are getting yourself and your boat into.

However, if you still have that inexplicable urge to anchor your boat at a beach, there is a suggestion.

You can get your boat fitted with Keelguards to protect your boat.

The first thing that you need to move your boat to the shallowest water that you can get close to. It needs to be able to float and you still need to be able to operate your boat there.

The second thing that you need to do is that you need to get out of your boat and plant the anchor.

The third thing that you need to do is that you need to take a second anchor through the stern and have it secured in a way that prevents the boat from floating sideways from the beach.

Remember, if you have about one hour so you always need to know the proper steps for when you have to place your boat when you have to eventually leave.

To do that, you have to remove the bow anchor. You have to untie the stern anchor and bring the line to the helm or the bow.

This makes sure that you can back out your boat in a way that doesn’t damage your boat.

Now, you know how to anchor a boat properly on a beach. So, how would you anchor a boat in a lake?

How To Anchor a Boat In A Lake?

If you are looking to “catfish” your boat in the right way, you can choose the best way to get anchored your boat in the right place. Some of the best GPS fish finder combos come with 3000+ lake information and maps. These super machines can be helpful when selecting the right place for anchoring.

How To Anchor In A Lake

Earlier, we said that different anchors have different benefits. In this situation, we are referring to anchoring your boat at lakes.

One particular anchor that you can look at to anchor your boat properly at a lake with SeaArk ProCat 240. It’s worth looking into but not completely necessary to do so.

You can even use your own box anchors. Box anchors are great because they are cheap and also, they can sit at the bottom of lakes more easily. This can be a good anchor for the pontoon boat also.

Your fear of being swayed away in a lake is more unfounded than being swayed in a big ocean. You have to be more concerned about your boat teetering back and forth, side-to-side.

The first thing that you need to do is to anchor your boat with the wind. You can beat the wind so don’t even try.

The second thing that you have to do is to drop enough rope so that the anchor can hold the boat in place.

The third thing is that you have to secure the anchor rope to the center of the bow – or as close as you can get.

The fourth thing you have to do to drop the second anchor at the back of the ship. Be sure to tie that anchor to the cleat in the back of the ship.

The fifth thing you have to do is to make sure that both the front and back ropes are secured.

Now, you don’t have to worry about your boat swaying crazily with the boat at an uncomfortable rhythm.


Never forget to check your anchor hourly. Now, you have taken the time to read this. You will never be swayed again. You should know how to properly put your boat in a great spot and how to anchor a boat correctly. Doesn’t matter if you are at sea, on the beach, or in a lake. Be confident and have fun!

Canoe Vs Kayak Pros Cons Explained Simply

An evergreen issue like canoe vs kayak pros cons is super important especially for the beginners. But it can be solved quite easily by knowing what for and how you are going to use a canoe or a kayak.

Canoe VS Kayak

Canoeing is the recreational boating activity in which you kneel and or yous it facing forward in an open or a closed canon. You then propel yourself with your power under using a single-bladed paddle.

On the other hand, kayaking is moving across the water, and its difference from canoeing is the number of blades that the battle has and the sitting position of the paddler. In the kayak, the paddler sits facing forward and with the lags in the front using a paddle that is double-bladed. The kayaks have closed decks. Canoe vs kayak pros cons can be a bit tricky but they both are entertaining.

Moreover, the kayaks ten to be slimmer in shapes with enclosed cockpits where you can store most of your belongings, and canoes tend to resemble boats, have open decks that can fit both pieces of luggage, animals, and persons. Most of people that are not familiar with water sports are they have little knowledge of the differences between the two vessels. If in need of choosing your boat of preference, the compilation below can be of-of interest.


The following comprise the pros and cons of canoeing and kayaking and then later conclude which is the best:

The Pros Of Canoeing

One advantage of canoeing is that you can carry a lot of gears in the canoe. The canoes are best to use for more extended adventures because of their comforts and also their carrying capacities. The boats are very stable, and they cannot capsize easily unlike the kayaks. It is possible to change your sitting positions while you are canoeing than kayaking and this fact makes it more comfortable than the other, especially during long distances.

In the canoe, it’s pretty easy to stand up. After you have learned the basics, you will see that it is easier to master the skills of canoeing than the capabilities of kayaking. while in a canoe, it’s not easy to get wet unless you are 0on the white waters. While in a canoe you have a proper view of your surroundings unless when you are in a kayak.while in a canoe, it is more comfortable to portage than when you are in a kayak. It is most helpful if you carry a lot of gears. It is easy to bring out your animals such as cats and dogs that are aboard with you in the water. Your kids can also be brought out quickly too. It is straightforward to get in and to get out of a canoe.

The Cons Of Canoeing

The canoes are very saved over this may make them quite difficult for transportation. As a solo paddler mastering the paddling skills in a canoe is pretty hard. While you’re paddling in the white waters the canoes take in more water than the kayaks .the single paddles are better and tend to be more efficient than the double sculls. It is more straightforward paddling a kayak at a high speed than paddling a canoe at a low pace.

 The Pros Of Kayaking

Mastering the skills of kayaking is simple. Kayaks move faster with lesser energy requirements from the paddler than the canoes. The kayak disciplines are vast and have more varieties than the canoes disciplines. Unless you capsize, your gears can be kept dry while in a kayak than when in a canoe.

Kayaks are easy to transport than canoes. They tend to be more moveable. Kayaks are pros when it co, my to handling the white waters, unlike the kayaks. When in a kayak you are closer to the pools and there are more connections unless when you are in a kayak.

The double kayak paddles tend to be more efficient than the single canoe paddles. Kayaking is a great workout for those who love fitness.

The Cons For Kayaking

You cant come out of a kayaking session when you are completely dry. It might take quite some time before you can master those kayaking skills much more efficiently. While transitioning from still waters to fasts moving waters in a kayak, the experience is quite chilling. Moreover, a skirt is quite scary for beginners and starters. The doubles are very heavy too unlike the single paddles.


While fishing was suing canoes and kayaks, the primary difference is the versatility. The Canoes can be used in the lakes as well as the ponds, whereas the kayaks can be used on the rougher seas and the white waters as well. The raw water can quickly sink a canoe but the kayak has its activities sealed and thus it is impossible to soak even though it can easily capsize.

A kayak can move more swiftly in water, and it tends to have less drag. If your preference is traditional and tranquil the canoe is for you but is it preferred on mobility and tranquility then a kayak is a must for you.

Canoe Fishing

Basic Principle

The canoes tend to come in very different sizes from the shapes, the dimensions, and from family to solo vessels. They are moved by human resources, but improvements have been made, and some new ones have trolling motors at the boat rear for natural propulsion. They are suitable for lakes, ponds, and rivers that are moving slowly. They are open vessels and this implies that taking them on high waves and the high winds will cause them to succumb to the waters and to sink

Equipping the Canoes

Any canoe is quite easy to fit for fishing purposes. For more stability biot is easy to paddle a canoe from a kneeling position to make it more stable and this will also aid in giving your knees rest while having the right balance and more stability in the long run. Dedicated seats also imply that there will be fewer movements and position changes.

Small and appropriate trolling motor batteries with trolling motors are possible to rig to the canoes back smoothly and the primary places for keeping your fishing rods are a great idea as well. Modern canoes tend to come with everything that you need sometimes they also tend to go with boats that are stable and are impossible for tipping over too.

Kayak Fishing

Basic principles

The kayaks ten to be very rugged and it is possible for them to withstand the beating from the elements. The hulls tend to be more streamlined and more shallow and more profound than the broader canoes. The fishing kayaks tend to be closed in vessels with the cockpits where the fishermen sit that fit over their waists and that seal around rims on the kayak decks.

kayak Fishing

This feature accords the angler with the freedom to paddle along the waves and the big rivers without having the chances of sinking the kayaks which is something that is not possible with the canoes. The kayaks are paddled using double roars and it is pretty easy for them to maneuver due to the streamlined shapes and designs.

Equipping the kayaks

The advancements that have occurred in the kayak are exceptional. If you want to equip yourself with a kayak, it is advisable that you set yourself kayaks that have enough spaces and that have enough points of connections for the attachments of rods and other supplies too.

A fish finder for kayak can be simply a dynamic decision.

Different types of Kayaks for fishing

(a) Freshwater Kayaks

These are comprised of two types:

1. The sits on top- the still water kayaks are made in a way that a fisher can relax in the depression on decks. It is an essential vessel that has a place that you can hold your rods and waterproof as well to store your equipment.

  1. The sit-ins- the kayaks on the moving waters have sealed cockpits designed for the anglers that you sit in. In the rivers, you can get swamped with water and you will be required to pass through the rapids at points on the sealed cockpits. The rod fixtures on fishing kayaks are essential together with the waterproof dry wells.
(b) saltwater kayaks

 They are built specifically to be able to handle the elements. They are made to high standards and they are equipped to be able to handle fish that are big in the most adverse conditions. Using their fish kayaks nowadays the anglers can catch world record fish such as the Sailfish and the Marlins.

Kayaks are equipped with dry wells that keep the equipment dry and also rod fixed while they are paddling. There are also fixtures of fish that are for fish finders and also there are the depth sonars which are devices that are essential for deep fishing. Some kayaks have foot pedals which are used to propel them. There are inflatable kayaks that are easy for travel and can be inflated and deflated using an electric air-pump.


Canoe stability

Stability is the most important matter when we want to be aware of canoe vs kayak pros cons. A canoe with a flat bottom is more stable, but you will have to give up the hull speed than the one that doesn’t have. Flat bottomed ones are used in sports, and cottage type canoe hulls and their stability makes them useful for fishing and the novice paddlers.

A bottom that is round is well capable of maneuvering and are capable of better speeds as well. A canoe with a good hull design reduces tipping is safer and is more comfortable. Canoes can have secondary stability and initial stability or just one of them, The primary balance is from the canoe center, and the secondary security is from the shallow arch center, that’s close to paddle stations, i.e., the seat regions.

The shallow arched bottom of a canoe even when it tends to be tipped as a good portion of a canoe that is supported by the water that tends to be depicted under red lines and next images. With canoes, if there are flat sections that are resting on the waters regardless of them being tipped the canoes then resist going over entirely and this can give you enough time to make changes.

Canoe with flat bottoms is not entirely safe. In case it is tipped over, then it can with no support. Therefore, a canoe that contains nos stability at all is like hotdogs that contain entirely no ketch-ups in them. Canoes that tend to feel tippy are not in any way fun at all.

A good canoe with excellent stability should have both the primary balance that consists of the right flat bottom and the secondary stability as well which comprises of shallow arches. There are very good made canoes out there whose stability can serve the paddlers quite well.

Kayak stability

Not any paddlers want to capsize when choosing a kayak. However, balance is a very complicated issue and is quite essential when you are using a kayak. A kayak keeps you upright, and it is connected to every performance element virtually. It is crucial to note that not every kayak that you feel ios stable tends to be stable.

The stability is always an issue of volume and which creates the buoyancy and where that buoyancy tends to lie in the hulls. The kayaks tend to have their balance from the hull shape. Mostly this is through the beam and the flare. The pronounced flares always increase stability.

Long kayaks will track well but they will lose their maneuverability. A lean turning of kayaks reduces waterline length and they, therefore, turn quicker.

Canoe VS Kayak Paddles

Canoe and kayaks have different types of paddles. A paddle made for canoe has just one blade and the other end is used to grip the paddle.

On the other hand, a kayak paddle has two blades at the two ends. It is controlled from the middle of the paddle shaft.


We have just seen some of the issues which give us an idea about canoe vs kayak pros cons. From the above, both have merits and demerits. The route you prefer to take depends on the situation that you are in and the preferences that you have. Both can be tried though. This is a matter of taste and preference.

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