How Does A Fish Finder Work? How To Use A Fish Finder?

How Does A Fish Finder Work
How Does A Fish Finder Work?

The world is absorbed into constant technology innovations and advancements in almost all fields. Talk of farming, education, employment, and business, just to mention a few. Regardless of the field that one can venture in, it has experienced tremendous technological growth from ancestral procedures of doing things. Fishing has not been left behind in the world of technology and innovation. In this article, we will focus on what the fish finder does, how does a fish finder work, how it’s used, and how to take readings from it, among other things. Enjoy your reading.

What Is A Fish Finder

It’s a device used by fishermen to discover the position of fish in the water or simply a device used by fishermen to find fish. In summary, they assist in the following.

  • Identifying other objects underneath
  • Ascertaining the approximate number of fish
  • Recognizing the location of fish masses
  • Finding the depth of water
  • Detecting the type of fish beneath
  • Measuring the water temperature
  • Measuring the speed with which your boat is traveling on
  • Learning how fish respond to your bait

How Does A Fish Finder Work Using Transducers?

The device sends sonar signals to water using transducers, which upon hitting the object (fish), take the estimated features of the object. An echo-sound is then returned to the device which is then converted into an image of what is happening underneath. Finally, the image is displayed on a screen for elucidation.

Let’s watch a video about how does a fish finder work using sonar waves. In this case, we have taken the example of a Humminbird fish finder as the principle of working is the same.

For improved aftermath, most fish finders use more than one frequency. The frequency used is proportional to the clarity and details received. Most of them have built-in GPS that aid in locating the geographical location.

Reading and interpreting the readings can be very tricky, but you don’t have to worry, by the end of this article, you will get all the information needed for accurate judgment. What does this reading really entail?

Reading A Fish Finder Screen

How To Read A Fish Finder Screen

Understanding or interpreting the images on the screen can be an uphill task, especially for beginners. In this article, we are just about to educate you on this.

By interpreting your screen, you can recognize where to target. The fish finders have a Fish-ID technology which has an aptitude to locate fish and other objects icons on the screen. All you need is to just read and comprehend the depth of each icon displayed. It won’t be any magic when you cast your net to a region of a high fish population only to come out with rocks and plants, some fish finders come with a few shortcomings. However, with time and experience, you will be accustomed to doing these things.

Fish arches can be your better selection though it also comes with a fair share of challenges. An arch fish finder represents fish as arches that are clearer than fish IDs. The bigger the arches the bigger the fish, though not in all cases. Although it’s somewhat cumbersome to isolate trees and rocks from arches, you will learn the skill with time.

You can agree with me that reading the screen is not as complex as it is portrayed sometimes, let’s now take time to know the available varieties of such devices.

Types Of Fish Finders

The market provides several types and brands of fish finders, their use depends on the objectives and nature of fishing.

Fishing in shallow water needs a higher frequency, over 200 kHz while deepwater needs a lower frequency. Fishing on salt waters will also need a lower frequency.

Fish finders with chartplotter, real-time mapping, better transducer, quality screen are most desired by the fishermen. A perfect example of that is the Lowrance Elite-7 Ti2 fish finding device.

For areas you are not familiar with, use a depth fish finder. Finally, if you will be fishing on ice water, you will need a wider cone angle so that you can see both deep in water and the environment around you. In modern ice fishing techniques, this type of fish finder is often used for better results. It should be added to your ice fishing gear list.

Some of them are portable yet others are fixed, especially for large boats.

Depending on your choice of a fish finder, the following modifications and overall options are available during your application of these devices in fishing.

Using A Fish Finder

We would like to share with you the best practices for handling your devices.

1. Thorough comprehension of the display

  • Reading your manual. Your device will surely come with a guide, read through it, and refer to it again when necessary.
  • Study the basic information about the speed of your boat, temperature, and the depth it can measure. This information is usually found on a screen of your fish finder.
  • Since the screen will display the latest information towards the right, read your screen from your right to the left.
  • It’s important to note that the topmost image on your screen is your boat, therefore, it’s good to take the reading from to top to the bottom

2. Locate the fish on the screen

  • Look out for smaller patches for smaller fish and large patches/dots for the big fish
  • Identify the nature of the terrain beneath. The tick line at the bottom of your screen describes the bottom. The presence of a line means that you’re floating on soft (sand or mud) ground while the absence of a line could mean that you’re on the hard or rocky ground.
  • Combine your fish finder with a chart plotter which helps mark areas of interest to be revisited later.

3. Adjust the screen display

  • When you notice an area of interest, zoom in for maximum clarity
  • Adjust color resolution until the images are very clear
  • Increase your fish finder speed so that you will be receiving updated images
  • In case you are not conversant with reading the screen, use fish symbols that you are used to

4. Pick the transducer

Adjust your device’s sensitivity when it inaccurately detects fish locations, this can be done manually.

  • Depending on the fish finder you’re using, adjust the range, usually at least thrice the depth
  • Increase the sensitivity of your fish finder until two reading lines appear on the screen.

We must mention that not all the procedures as highlighted apply to all fish finders, you will be required to make an appropriate selection of technique, based on the several above mentioned aspects.

After reading the article this far, you are now in a position to purchase yours, but how will you go about it? Keep reading.

Factors To Consider Before Buying A Fish Finder

At this point, I think we all know how does a fish finder work using sonar technology. Before selecting the right fish finder for our purpose we should know something more about the devices.

1. Choose between the fixed or portable

The choice is yours but consider the below factors.

A portable has the following advantages.

  • They’re versatile i.e. they allow all types of fishing, both canoe or lake fishing
  • They’re good for fishermen who rent boats and can be useful as a kayak fish finder.
  • They’re light and easy to transport and move around with

A fixed one has the following advantages.

  • They’re high-tech hence perform best
  • Can accommodate large screen for clear images
  • Good for people who own boats

2. Consider the screen size

A large screen gives more space to display pictures as obtained from below leading to improved clarity. However, do not sacrifice vital specifications for a screen.

The other important aspect to consider is the number of pixels, the higher the number, the more the clarity. Also, remember to ensure that your screen is waterproof.

3. Glare protection during sunny days

During bright sun in the sea, it gets to point that you cannot read your screen. Since it’s hard to get shade in the sea, buy screens whose brightness and contrast can be lowered. You can as well consider buying glare-resistant screens.

4. Power

Devices with more power (wattage) are more powerful to give higher speed and accuracy.

5. Screen Backlight

If you will be fishing late in the night or early morning, buy fish finders whose screens have some backlight.

6. GPS

Unlike pier or shoreline fishing, boat or kayak fishing require GPS integrated fish finder.

7. Price

Don’t consider price only in making your purchase, but consider all factors as listed above. Even if the cost is high, it’s worth the investment.

8. Frequency

The preferred frequency will be determined by the nature of fishing to be done.

Using Bluetooth, iOS, iPhone, & Android In Fishing

Fishing is getting interesting and convenient. There are fish finders that are compatible and can be used with mobile phones and tablets.

These Bluetooth fish finders usually float on water near the fisherman. They emit ultrasound waves downwards to the waters which interact with fish and the objects beneath.

The data generated is then sent to a mobile device or tablet via Bluetooth for reading and interpretation. Once you identify where the school of fish is, you can cast your rod.

There are recommended applications that help read the signals from your fish finder, which you must install on your mobile device. Below are three main aspects to look for in the app.

  • It should be updated regularly with a change in technology
  • It should be reliable whenever needed
  • Finally, it should have several features to be able to do everything you need.

If you are a technology enthusiast, this is the way to go, just ensure that you buy a gadget (Smartphone) that is compatible with fish finders, and then make use of technology.

Final Comments

I am only left to imagine the nature of fishing for 50 years to come, perhaps it will undergo extraordinary technological mutation. Today I know how does a fish finder work but, within a few years, it can be totally different.

Evidently, the ease with which fish is caught has transformed the fishing industry. In this article, all the current information about it has been articulated, we believe that you are transformed too. Based on the features and processes described above, you can select the best brand and type of your device from the varieties offered in the market. For further details, you can read reviews for different brands.

Certainly, you have noticed that technology is not static and wouldn’t wish to be left behind, keep visiting our site for updates as and when we receive them. We are delighted that you’re enlightened.

How To Catch Big Fishes? In Rivers Or Lakes & From Shore

It is probably summer. You have been dreaming about hitting the nearest lake or river for some great fishing since fall. Also, you finally want to challenge yourself to go for the bigger fish. However, imagine that you have no clear idea about how to catch big fishes. You have no idea about the type of fish you would like to go for, the time to catch the specific fish, and what tactics to use when fishing big fish.

How to catch big fishes

In this article, we will seek to delve into these aspects. In addition, we will look into the instruments you will need to catch the fish as well as what to expect when fishing in rivers, lakes, or on the shore. Once you catch your big fish, you will be sure to get hooked. (Pun intended)

Types Of Big Fish To Catch

Some people say that the number of fishes you catch is most important. On the other hand, others say that the type of big fish you catch is the real deal.

Whichever side you are on, the first thing to understand is the different types of big fish to catch. They are Paddlefish, Blue Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Lake Trout, Striped Bass, and some others.

Different big fish have different tactics of being caught. Also, they require different instruments because of their difference in size and weight. Lastly, the period or season of fishing is dependent on the type of fish.

So, before going out to strike the bigger fishes, you must decide which fish you are going to try. Below is a detailed view of the different aspects in relation to the type of fish.

Catching A Big Striped Bass!

This is a fish with a streamlined, silvery body marked with longitudinal dark stripes, which run from behind the gills to the base of the tail. It commonly matures to a size of 8-40 pounds with a maximum length of 1.8m.

Period Of Fishing

It is advisable to fish during the end of March to mid-May. This is during springtime.

The reason for this is because the striped bass starts to spawn around this time. This, in turn, will make it difficult to catch as their main focus in on the babies.

Tactic To Use

As much as artificial lures can do the trick, the best tactic to use to catch them is big live bait. The stripers tend to be drawn to this because of the scent and the bigger profile of the baits.

When you drop the bait, the next step is to drop planer boards. Thereafter, use the motor to move throughout the area.

Instruments Required

This type of fish is known to be too big and strong. It is for this reason that you require adequate gear to avoid tackling and busting.

Get A Bigger Lake Trout!

Catching Big Fishes In Lakes (Trout)

If you want to avoid the hustle and bustle of catching fish, the lake trout is for you. With this fish, you are assured of catching one or more even at the shore.

Period Of Fishing

The best time to go trout fishing is at the beginning of the year all through the end of May. This period offers the best treatment to anglers for a great catch.

Tactic To Use

It is said that one of the best ways to catch this type of fish, is by using three-way rigs. Firstly, gather your school of bait. After that, drop the three-way rig all the way to the bottom.

Here, the wind or current will help push you, which ultimately aids in trolling the bait through the feeding area.

Instruments Required

As opposed to catching striped bass with heavy gear, this fish can easily be caught using light gear regardless of its size. Medium-action 7-foot rods paired with a bait caster can get you started on your fishing adventure.

Fishing Largemouth Bass

They are not necessarily categorized as big fish. However, when you talk about teeners, it fits right into the category of big fishes.

Period Of Fishing

The best time to fish for them is during the month of February. The reasoning behind this is that this is the period they begin to move away from the deeper parts of the water to the shallow ones for spawning.

Tactic To Use

Once you hook your trout as the baits, focus on ledges, humps, and points in the 15-40-foot range. The trick here is to cast from the shallowest point to deep water while letting the bait sink to the bottom. This will ultimately help with steady retrieval.

Instruments Required

You can choose from numerous swimbaits for an assured catch. It all depends on your budget and preference.

Catch Blue Catfish

This type of fish can be caught almost anywhere since they are found in most big rivers and tributaries in the central and eastern parts of the United States.

Nonetheless, James River in Virginia is known to be the best place to get them. As an angler, you can land a fish of up to 50-60 pounds in weight.

Period Of Fishing

For the Blue Catfish, the colder months are known to be the best for an assured catch. This is because big fish become more predictable during this weather.

As long as the bait is there, they will come running. Also, the depth of the water is a non-issue as you catch them as shallow as 6-feet and as deep as 60-feet.

Tactic To Use

The most important thing here is the bait you use to catch the blue catfish. For them to be hooked, use a fresh-cut gizzard shad, preferably in 1-4-inch chunks. These big boys will come rushing like wildfire for it. Going for a blue big catfish is not that much different from catching catfish in general.

Instruments Required

As opposed to the lake trout, with this, you will require hefty gear. This is because this fish is not only huge but also the strongest among the catfish.

Whichever decision you make on the rod and rig to use, the catch here is to fish using multiple rigs where legal. This is a smart way to attract the fish to the bait through the scent.

Go For Paddlefish!

This is a freshwater fish that can be best caught at Grand Lake. They are said to be the biggest and most unusual fish. At this lake, you can land a paddlefish that weighs more than 50 pounds.

Period Of Fishing

Like most other fish, the period to catch them is when they are moving into the tributaries to spawn. For the paddlefish, this is around the months of March and April.

Tactic To Use

They are filter feeders, so a lure or bait will not cut it. You need to snag them. When you find a number of them using your electronics, position your boat above them. After that, position your snag hook to the bottom.

Instruments Required

An 8-foot heavy-action saltwater rod works well when trying to catch them. This is because a long rod moves more line when trying to jerk a hook through the leathery skin of a spoonbill.

How To Catch Big Fishes In Lakes

How To Catch Big Fishes In Lakes Or River

One of the most popular big fish to catch in a lake is the lake trout. They are mostly found in the cold and deep waters. The following are tips to follow to catch one.

(1) Use A Light-Action Rod

You can use such a rod with a 4 to the 6-pound test line. This is one of the best rods to use as it allows you to use a variety of techniques to catch your trout. The lighter line has less friction with the water, which means you can cast your line to the very bottom of the lake with ease.

Keep in mind that some lake trouts can weigh over 35 pounds. You should, therefore, carry a heavier rod just in case you get one. Also, use either number 6 or number 10 hook to increase your chances of a catch.

(2) Choose A Lure Mimicking Native Baitfish

Lake trouts are known to feed on a number of different native species. Therefore, the best lure is one that closely mimics their individual food preferences.

Ask around local bait and tackle shops if you are not sure about which lure is best. The small weightless lures and spinners make the best artificial baits. Additionally, you can add shiny metal foil or beads to further attract the trout.

(3) Live Bait

If you plan on using live bait, nightcrawlers, minnows or salmon should be your best picks. Minnow traps and nets will be useful for the task. Ask the local bait shop about what the fish in your area have been biting lately.

It is important to note that fish have different preferences depending on the season and region. To keep the live bait alive we should use proper livewell pumps for aerating the tank.

(4) Use A Fishfinder GPS Combo

If you can manage an appropriate fishfinder GPS combo to locate the fish and to get some additional information about the lakes and rivers that should be great. This can help but not an essential thing to have. One can fish well without these machines too.

How to Catch Big Fishes in A River

With rivers, a point to remember is that some are fast flowing, others are slow moving and almost all of them are shaped differently. On top of that, they all have a variety of different shelters by the shoreline. These, on top of the equipment needed and type of fish to catch, are all important points when catching big fishes in rivers.

(1) Be Keen On The Sheltered Spaces

The biggest tip here is to look for areas that are calm in the river as they are most popular for the growth of weeds. With weeds comes a large number of big fishes such as the largemouth bass.

In addition, the lighter the currents the better. Also, with areas where they are overhanging trees, you are most likely to find fish in the shelter.

(2) Contact The Locals

The best advice and guidance come from the people living in the area you would like to fish. Ask questions from the local bait shop in regards to the bait they use and how the weather is dependent on the location of the fish.

Additionally, ask about the best time to catch fish. Talk to other anglers who are found up and down the area as well.

(3) Use Live Bait Bouncing To Trick The Fish

This is one of the most effective tips. Hook yourself up with some live bait and bounce it off the bottom of the river bed, in the direction of the current to make it look natural. The fish will fall for this trick and you will have your successful catch.

(4) Use The Right Colors To Fish

The colors of the bait play a major role in catching fish. Many baits can be used for different types of fish. It is advisable to use red and yellow baits as they attract the fish down to the river bed. This, in turn, increases the rate of success in getting your catch.

(5) Use X-Ray Vision

This is not meant to be taken literally. What this means is that you can use a pair of polarized glasses that will help you see through the water. This will guide in seeing the fish you would like to catch.

This tip is however dependent on the river you are fishing and weather conditions. All in all, remember that fishing can be dangerous because of different types of currents and depths. Also, be considerate of other anglers fishing in the same river to avoid accidents and misplacement of gears.

How to Catch Big Fishes From Shore

If you do not have a boat or want to avoid the expense and hassle of boat ownership, fishing on the shore is the best for you. When catching big fish from the shore, you will require lots of commitment, practice, and attention to detail.

(1) Walk Around

The first thing to do when you get to a shore fishing location is not to start casting. You should take a walk around the perimeter of the shore and observe the water body.

Look for any fishy structure such as vegetation. After you have come up with a good mental layout of the spot, create a game plan before you begin fishing. This will ensure you concentrate on the most productive areas. At this point, be on the lookout for a big fish like the striped bass. Also, see if there is a bunch of baitfish, as this will draw you to the big fish.

(2) Stay Low

Most shore fishing spots such as ponds and streams do not provide you with a way of staying under cover. Here, you can easily blow your cover and the fish may disappear even before you cast.

If you can, try and stand next to a tree, some grass, or dock piling to hide your shadow. If it is sunny, keep your shadow away from the water because most fish identify shadows with birds of prey and herons. This means that they will move away when your shadow is visible.

(3) Cast Parallel

Most people assume that with shore fishing, you should lob a cast far towards the middle of the water mass. However, this is a mistake because most of the big fishes hang around the shore or on the first major drop-off close to the shore.

Therefore, avoid casting too far and make parallel cuts along the bank or quartering away. This, in turn, keeps your bait in the capture zone longer, thus resulting in more bites.

(4) Downsize The Baits

You will catch more fish if you use baits and presentations that closely take after the big fish you are trying to catch. On the shore, where the water is shallow, the most used baitfish species are generally stunted panfish and minnows.

As a piece of advice, downsize your baits to increase the action. For example, if you are fishing a worm, opt for a 4- or 5-inch model rather than a 9-inch.

(5) Pack Light

When fishing at the shore, your movement tends to be limited. You can only fish until where your feet can go. This means lots of walking for you. Imagine that, coupled with carrying a bunch of rod or reel combos and tackle box. It is too much work.

The smartest thing to do is to pack light. Choose a single multi-purpose rod/reel combo and a small backpack with a few baits. Ultimately, walking will be easier and you will have more time focusing on making a catch other than installing the gear.

Catching Bigger Fishes At Night

For catching larger fishes at night is sometimes better than the day time. There are always fewer competitors for the fish at night. The technique is to use underwater fishing lights for night fishing. These lights attract a big amount of small fishes, minnows, and insects to the light which is your fishing spot actually.

Then, the bigger fishes come to minnows and the to other insects like a storm. That is when you should capture them with patience.


If you know how to catch big fishes then you must agree that patience, dedication, experience, and luck everything is important for catching bigger fishes like a striped bass or lake trout or something else.

Only strategy, techniques, and instruments will not be enough sometimes. Motivation and confidence will definitely help in difficult moments. Be calm, your turn will come automatically.

Lowrance Hook2 4x Bullet Review | Fish finder & GPS Plotter

Modern fishfinders have changed angling and are widely considered as must-have equipment for anyone who does the fishing. One challenge has always been picking the right one. We have taken the challenge and after detailed research, we think the Lowrance hook2 4X bullet review is worthy enough. This fish finder with GPS plotter is one of the best units for kayaks and boats with less space today.

There are many manufacturers of fishfinder units thus led to an influx of these products that are found. Just imagine problems first-timers will have to endure before they arrive at their ideal unit.

Lowrance Hook2 4x Bullet Review

This is a remarkable unit that has significantly increased the amount of fish that you can net during each fishing expedition. It is widely accepted among pro anglers. This unit faces stiff competition from Garmin, Helix, and Humminbird fish finders but has on numerous occasions proven to be number one in doing its work.

The product that you are seeing here is rated as being lower in the revitalized Hook 2 Series. Having said that, it still gives a surprising amount of value that makes it perfect for most of your basic needs.

This amazing product comes in two different models. There is one with a GPS antenna and another one without. The difference you will get between these two items ranges from about $20 and with both of them costing less than $150, there is little reason why you should not pick the commodity that has a GPS antenna. A fish finder with a GPS antenna detects fish better than one without.

Features Noted In The Lowrance Hook2 4X Bullet Review

To be considered most reliable, these are some features that it possesses that make it stand out from others. These features combine to greatly eminence our unit’s power to actually locate fish. Here are some of its features found in the Lowrance hook2 4x bullet review.


This is actually one of those areas that the product actually beats others. Together with Garmin, Lowrance has been one of the companies that have played a key role to ensure that radar technology is a must-have for a good fish finder.

Higher brands at times like to isolate some frequency channels for given settings, they too also have a CHIRP system as their main approach alongside whatever other systems that they choose to include.

The radar has huge popularity because it does not use a single pulsation rather it sends out a range of frequencies that have an incremental order. When you look at most designs, the most common frequencies included are 50, 83,192, and 200 kHz. These different frequencies allow the sonar to provide a varying range and detail level that is collected and analyzed by fishfinder software to present the best accurate representation that it can.

However, it does not have a way to change the pulsation settings. Therefore, one has to rely on a collated image. Collated images can give desired results for novice users but may not be appropriate for professional purposes.


This product has a 4-inch display panel to display whatever is processed by fish finder software. Screen size is comparable to other high-end fish finders on the market however it is not the largest that you can find.

Its screen has a SolarMAX technology that comes in handy specifically during extremely bright days at the lake or sea. Technology allows the screen to adjust brightness levels according to the amount of light that is shone on it.

It has a technology that also allows the display to give a user a wide range of viewing angles so you don’t need to necessarily stand directly on top of the screen to view images being processed. The screen is also backlit so if you go fishing at night you will be able to see all images. Light is perfect for you and will not be noticeable by fish.

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This product gives a single wide-angle sonar beam. It essentially entails that you will not miss detecting fish in a wide range of areas. However, you will not have detailed information when you are directly above fish


Lowrance uses only 200 RMS watts, even though it is accepted by most fishermen, it is somehow rated on a lower end of the spectrum hence it will have much more importance depending on the frequency of sonar.

At 200 watts, it can provide a 50Hz signal image of up to 800’. However, at 200 kHz, the unit can only display an image that is 200’ deep at 200watts of power. This is a feature that does not meet the expectations of most users.


This model will provide versatile mounting options. The skimmer has a front dash gimbal and quick release bracket mounts. What this entails is that you can position your fish finder on your canoe without worrying whether it is securely mounted.


The product also relies on a keypad interface rather than the touchscreen option that is found on high-end fishfinders. A major advantage of having such a feature is that they are well labeled and can be accessed easily. If you at one time feel like going deeper into setting levels.

The trackpad navigation system makes it easier to choose various options using a single hand. Thus allowing you to keep another hand on the fishing rod.


This product uses simple menu layouts that are easy to navigate. All options are large and unique from one another so you can easily find and alter settings that you wish to change.

Screen’s interface is simple and most used functions that a fisherman constantly adjusts are accessible by a single button.

Advantages Of The Lowrance Hook2 4x Bullet Fish Finder

  • Sonar Autotuning. Gives you the best images by automatically adjusting the settings gradually as water conditions change.
  • The inclusion of fish ID feature. It is possible through the inclusion of Splitshot transducer that lets you track bait and fish.
  • The unit has a depth alarm and shallow water alarm
  • It has wide-angle broadband (240 kHz/40o). Enables users to see more fish and cover more water by using the least time possible.
  • Bullet skimmer transducer has been included. It is a feature that makes it a perfect fish finder for kayaks and small fishing boats.
  • The unit can read the temperature of the water.
  • GPS plotter is simple and accurate. Allows anyone to narrow his/her search for productive water features and give you a bird’s eye view of what lies beneath the water surface.
  • It has waypoints, routes, and tracking functions.
  • SolarMax technology used provides improved readability from sharp angles.


  • Single beam radar system.
  • No split view feature.
  • Smaller display screen when compared to other high-end fish finders.
  • No A-Scope function.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does the unit have an SD Slot to upgrade maps?

Fish finder does not have an SD card slot. Maps are integrated into the product during manufacture.

  1. Can you monitor canoe speed?

Yes. GPS system will show the speed that the canoe or boat is moving, on the screen.

  1. What type of warranty does your product have?

Normally, the unit has a 1-year warranty.

Lowrance Fish Finder Updates

Lowrance is always working to make better fish finders. They have different updated versions. But, I love the Lowrance Elite-7 Ti2 fish finder with a real-time mapping system. This device with a 3-in-1 transducer works really great.

Evolution & Benefits Of A Modern Fish Finder

We can all agree that the traditional fishing method of just using a fishing rod, a fishing line, and bait does not guarantee that you will catch fish easily.

Anglers are always confronted with three challenges when they want to catch fish. The first issue is that you have to entice fish for it to strike your lure or bait and secondly you must set the hook and play fish before you get him up on your boat. However, a bigger challenge is actually locating fish first.

For a very long time, anglers had to rely on powers of observation and experience to catch fish. This usually never had good results because fish are rarely visible from above hence you can pinpoint their exact location just like a hunter would clearly see birds or deer.

The perfect solution to locating fish easily when you are on your fishing expeditions is to use a good fish finder. Fish finders were made first in the early portions of the 20th century.

Most manufacturers of these amazing products began to develop and sell radar units. Sonar units gave anglers a picture of what lied beneath the water surface.

One problem with early types of fish finders is that they were only helpful when it comes to determining large-scale structures and depth of water. However, after further research and thanks to the constant advancement of technology, the capabilities of these fish finders grew exponentially.

The modern fish finders do not only enable us to find things like rivers sources or ways and find out the depth of water, but they also display incredibly detailed images.

Most of these modern devices have the power to display things as small as baitfish and rocks. These products give fishermen a lot of supplemental data and capabilities like wireless connectivity and GPS information. Data is then transmitted from the fish finder to a display panel for processing by anyone who is fishing.


The Lowrance hook2 4X bullet review discovered that this fish finder with GPS Plotter will definitely be a perfect choice for beginners. It is made by a reputable company and is one of the reasons why I easily recommend it to anyone.

The fact that you get all those features at an affordable price range makes it a go-to product for anyone shopping for a good fish finder. Don’t go for cheaper knockoffs that do not last for long.

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Best Trolling Motor For Pontoon Boat | Transom & Bow Mount

Getting out on the water can be fun, but the problem is that your boat might disrupt the water far too much. What is the solution? The best trolling motor for pontoon boat use will surely be easier to handle than anything else.

The problem arises due to the waves a boat might produce and the sounds your electric motor could make. This might be a real hassle when you’re trying to fish. Even more so, it could be tough to try and get bait out when you are bearing lots of noise or movements in the water. 

Best Trolling Motor For Pontoon Boat

With a trolling motor, it becomes easier for you to find the fish you want to catch. You will also have an easier time with moving forward on the water.

You are going to require a sturdy trolling motor if you want to catch fish or simply enjoy time on a pontoon boat. With a trolling motor, you will get your boat moving out in a gentle fashion. You can even use this when you are trying to lure fish by using a trolling motion with your bait or lure along the side of your boat.

But when finding the best trolling motor for pontoon boat needs, you are surely going to come across some interesting options. This guide should help you understand what types of motors are available for your use and how you can make them all work for you.

This listing of trolling motors for your boating needs includes some appealing options that are suitable for all your pontoon needs. You can use any of these motors for a nice and leisurely day out or just for basic fishing desires. Take a look at what is available and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Comparison Table To Select The Best Trolling Motor For Pontoon Boat

MotorThrust (Pounds)Shaft Length
In Inches
Power Needed
In Volts
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Newport Vessels 8 Speed Electric Trolling Motor553012Check Price On Amazon
Minn Kota Endura Max Transom Mount Trolling Motor (55lb)55/50/45 OR 4036 OR 4212Check Price On Amazon
Minn Kota Edge Bowmount Trolling Motor 70/55/4536/45/50/5212,
24 for 70 LB
Check Price On Amazon
Aquos White Haswing Cayman Bow Mount Trolling Motor555412Check Price On Amazon
SEAMAX 65 Pound Thrust 12V Trolling Motor654012Check Price On Amazon
Minn Kota Riptide 80 ST With I-Pilot (Saltwater Bow-Mount)806024Check Price On Amazon
Goplus New 86lbs Freshwater Transom Mounted Motor86/55/ Or 463612 v,
24 v for 86 lb
Check Price On Amazon

Top Seven Pontoon Boat Trolling Motors With Amazing Features!

Note: Be advised that some of the best trolling motors might not work in all water conditions. Some choices are made with freshwater use in mind and not salt water, for instance.

  1. Newport Vessels 55 LB 8 Speed Electric Trolling Motor
  2. Minn Kota Endura Max Transom Mount Trolling Motor (55lb)
  3. Minn Kota Edge Bowmount Trolling Motor with Latch and Door Bracket
  4. Aquos White Haswing Cayman Bow Mount Trolling Motor
  5. SEAMAX 65 Pound Thrust 12V Trolling Motor
  6. Minn Kota Riptide 80 ST With I-Pilot (Saltwater Bow-Mount)
  7. Goplus New 86lbs Freshwater Transom Mounted Motor

Newport Vessels 55 LB 8 Speed Electric Trolling Motor

Newport Vessels 55 LB Thrust 8 Speed Trolling Motor

This first motor is a 55-pound thrust option that works well for most fishing needs. The motor is made with stainless steel materials to keep it functional and active even in the toughest conditions. Magnesium and zinc coatings are also added for further protection. The motor runs with five forward speeds and three reverse speeds.

A 30-inch fiberglass shaft is also included. The top includes an ergonomic handle with a five-point battery meter. The design lets you move the motor around in different directions for your steering needs. It is a simple unit that does not take much for you to control or utilize.


  • Fully covered motor is coated to prevent corrosion or damage in saltwater conditions
  • The handle makes steering easy to handle


  • Bracket needs careful tightening for it to work
  • Can only be mounted onto the transom

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Minn Kota Endura Max Transom Mount Trolling Motor (55lb)

Minn Kota Endura Max Transom Mount Trolling Motor (55lb)

Minnkota is the most popular name in the world of trolling motors. The versatile motors of this brand are always up to the mark. From our point of view, Minn Kota Endura Max is not an exception.

This high-quality motor comes with a 36 or 42 inches shaft which can adjust a pontoon boat. The composite shaft is simply indestructible and one can use it for the lifetime. With the digital maximizer, these motors consume the minimum power and can provide you with the maximum fishing time on a single battery charge.

The power prop of this variable speed motor with extra power works well even in heavy vegetation areas. The transom mount motor comes with a lever lock bracket which is stronger than any traditional bracket because of its special composite material.


  • Digital optimizer helps to control the power and prevents the power loss
  • We can set the speed using the variable speed control
  • The telescoping handle (six-inch) is simple and provides with easy steering
  • Comes with a resistant trolling motor bracket
  • Comes with a battery meter that allows you to know the battery life
  • Effective power prop


  • Not recommended for saltwater
  • According to the State of California, this product can expose us to some chemicals that may be responsible for cancer or reproductive problems.

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Minn Kota Edge Bowmount Trolling Motor with Latch and Door Bracket

Minn Kota Edge 70 Bowmount Trolling Motor

This heavier bow-mount motor with the indestructible 52-inch shaft is for small and medium boats. I hope the bow height from the water level will not be an issue. The strong and solid latch & door bracket hold firmly when working with the motor and can be removed without difficulties.

The Minn Kota edge 70 trolling motor comes with a highly responsive foot pedal made of high-impact composite material. The speed control and the on/off system is included in the foot pedal to ensure the proper and efficient use of the motor. To install the foot pedal you need sufficient space which may not be good news for some of us.

The prop maintained the Minn Kota standard and work smoothly through grass or other vegetation. This motor is also available in different thrusts and shaft sizes.


  • The motor has a warranty of two years
  • Foot pedal and speed control for better use of the motor
  • The bracket-style is strong and easy to handle
  • The 52 inches shaft is long enough to be set on the pontoon boats or other boats
  • Produces minimum sound


  • Recommended for freshwater and not for saltwater
  • The plug is not included in the packet. Can be hooked directly to the battery.

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Aquos White Haswing Cayman Bow Mount Trolling Motor

Aquos White Haswing Cayman Bow Mount Trolling Motor

This lightweight bow mount trolling motor works in both freshwater and saltwater. The 54- inch stainless steel shaft is a nice option for bass fishing boats, pontoon boats, and more boats. The 55 LBS thrust motor works silently and can be nicely used in boats up to 2750 LBS of weight. At the same time, this motor is suggested for the boats up to 18 feet long.

The wireless small remote control can be charged with a simple USB cable when you want. The variable speed makes the motor efficient and low power consuming one. Turning the motor 180 degrees you can get the reverse power. The 3 blade prop of 9.30 inches diameter can rotate 1250 rpm under the water. The motor is easy to carry from the boat to the car. A depth collar is added to keep the motor in right place securely.


  • Two years warranty is great!
  • The motor is both for freshwater and saltwater
  • The wireless remote control allows you to concentrate more on fishing
  • Variable speed control helps to consume less power
  • Lightweight and easy to carry


  • It does not have a spot lock

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SEAMAX 65 LB Thrust 12V Trolling Motor

SEAMAX 65 LB Thrust 12V Trolling Motor

Another choice for pontoon boats can be Seamax 65 pound thrust trolling motor which works smoothly and makes almost no sound. The motor can be mounted at the bow or at the transom as well. The shaft height is 40 inches which is good enough. No problem if you are in a freshwater lake or fishing in saltwater, the motor performs in both. New technology 8-speed controller is made to serve years.

The telescopic tiller handle is great and provides you with easy control and one-hand operation of the motor and the watercraft. The prop is updated with fiberglass reinforced composite material which can push small or medium boats easily. The motor comes with the anti-theft taper-lock transom mount and a voltage meter that helps to monitor in real time.

Seamax made this new motor using modern and standard technology for increased durability and better performance. It is recommended to use the marine deep cycle trolling motor batteries for this unit.


  • Can be used in both freshwater and saltwater
  • Can be mounted at the transom or bow
  • Easy to install and can be removed without difficulty
  • Variable speed controller
  • The motor has a warranty for each part differently 1 year to 2 years

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Minn Kota Riptide 80 ST With I-Pilot (Saltwater Bow-Mount)

Minn Kota Riptide 80 ST With I-Pilot (Saltwater Bow-Mount)

This powerful saltwater bow-mount motor is an attractive choice for the boaters. The i-pilot is simply the best feature of this motor which permits you to have absolute control of your boat. Use of GPS makes sure to remember the routes and the desired spots for fishing or relaxing. You can connect and control the i-pilot from your Apple or Android mobiles.

The 55 pounds heavy motor (80 LBS thrust) connected to a 60” indestructible shaft will fit almost any kind of boat of right weight. The shaft is made for lifetime use and it is guaranteed for the same time. The famous Weedless Wedge 2 prop is added to the shaft for making your fishing more perfect. The lift-assist design ensures easy stowing. The spot-lock helps to remain in a place with accuracy.

The variable speed trolling motor with digital maximizer consumes the minimum power and let you fish a full day. The battery meter is useful to know the remaining charge of the battery.

With this tough motor designed for saltwater, you can fight even in extreme conditions. Efficiency, smoothness, and silence of the motor are amazing and great.


  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Great control by i-pilot and the autopilot works nicely.
  • High-quality resistant material
  • Almost any kind of boat will work with the shaft of sixty inches
  • Minimum power consumption


  • More power (24v) is needed to work with this motor

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Goplus New 86lbs Freshwater Transom Mounted Motor

Goplus 86 LB Transom Mounted Trolling Motor

Look at how this Goplus model works when finding the best trolling motor for pontoon boat needs. This has a 36-inch shaft and uses a nylon bracket to keep the motor mounted while remaining stable. The 86-pound thrust is particularly valuable for larger pontoons as it works carefully and does not produce lots of vibrations, but it also requires two 12-volt batteries for you to make it run properly.

The three blades on the prop keep the motor running smoothly while going through many harsh surfaces with ease. The aluminum body on the motor also keeps the unit clean and comfortable without risking serious harm to the boat. It will not bother the fish either.

This uses a six-inch telescoping handle and five forward speeds plus three reverse speeds. The simple layout provides you with a smooth way forward even when there are difficult weeds or marshes in the way.


  • The motor does not shake or vibrate while in use
  • Aluminum head keeps the motor running longer without producing excess heat
  • The shaft is long enough for most pontoons to utilize


  • Is not appropriate for saltwater use
  • More battery power is required

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An Essential Buying Guide For Pontoon Boat Trolling Motor

Each part of your trolling motor is vital to its success. You have to look for such a motor with several particular standards in mind to help you get more out of your boating activities.


You must look at the thrust that comes with your trolling motor when making it work. The best trolling motor for pontoon boat use will come with a strong enough thrust to move the boat forward.

The thrust is measured in pounds and is a review of how much power the motor can handle. A trolling motor needs 2 pounds of thrust for every 100 pounds that the boat weighs. You would have to review the size of your boat alongside what you will add into the boat to get a clear idea of what you can get out of the motor.

The thrust should be powered by a motor that is made with not only the appropriate metal parts but also a sturdy housing. An aluminum or steel motor can work to keep the weight of your unit in check while also resisting most water conditions. The housing itself needs to be made with a sealed off surface that prevents water from getting in the way. The housing should also prevent vibrations from startling the fish in a spot.

Be advised that many of the cheapest or more basic models on the market have smaller thrust totals. These are better suited for smaller boats, but they can work for those who are new to boating and need something that is gentle without being overly hard to use.


The prop is a feature that propels the pontoon through the water. The power generated by the trolling motor will move the prop along. The prop needs to come with blades that can not only handle the water but also cut their way through the weeds, marshes, grasses and other underwater growths that the boat might move through.

The prop can come with multiple blades. You can find some basic models with just two blades, but some other options come with three blades instead. Also, sometimes the blades might have curves added onto them to make them a little more functional.

Depending on what you use, the prop might be relatively easy for you to take off and clean to your liking. You can choose to get it handled in some way as you see fit, but you will have to watch for how the prop can go back onto your unit at any moment. This ensures that your prop will keep on operating without problems.


The handle on your trolling motor might not seem all that important, but the truth is that you need the handle to steer the motor around.

When you steer it properly, it becomes easier for the prop to move in a particular direction. This ensures that the boat will move in the spot you want it to head out in. You could even use this to shake the prop around to make it easier for the boat to drag and shake your bait or lure if you are fishing.

The handle can come with a telescoping body or a series of grooves depending on what you use. But whatever you choose to have, you must look at how well this might work.

Securing Feature

The way how your trolling motor is to be secured deserves to be reviewed. The motor should be secured at the middle with a clamp or other fastener to keep the motor from shaking. You would have to tighten this feature to ensure the motor stays in its place.

A series of levers may be used to secure the trolling motor in its mounting position. These would have to be aligned evenly while keeping the body of the motor perpendicular to the boat itself. It has to move down into the water perfectly and evenly for this to work out right.

You might have to check on how secure your motor is on occasion after you get it installed. The motor might start to slip out of its position after a while. Check the security features every now and then to see how well it is working and that you have a good sense of control over whatever you wish to work with.

Mounting Position

A majority of trolling motors for pontoon boat use will have to go onto the transom. This is the back part of the boat. Also, the motor would have to go into the middle part of the transom while being carefully aligned to ensure that power would move evenly from the motor.

There are some models out there that can be handled on the bow or even on a larger engine. But a majority of today’s trolling motors are designed for use on the transom above all other places. Be aware of this when you are getting your setup mounted properly enough so you have enough control over what you are getting off of it.

Regardless of how the boat works, you would have to review the transom, in particular, to see how it is laid out. You might have to move things around on the back end of the boat just to make the transom a little more accessible and ready for use. The rules involved in getting your boat organized right will vary based on what you can handle.


The shaft on your trolling motor refers to the material that goes from the edge of your pontoon to the motor under the water. You need a shaft that is long enough to go through the water.

You can figure out the shaft that you want to use by measuring the top of the transom, or back part of your pontoon, to the waterline. Your shaft needs to be around 30 inches in length if the distance from the transom to the waterline is 10 inches or less. Meanwhile, you can move up to 36 inches if the distance between those two parts is closer to 16 inches.

Some models come with special adjustment features where you can move the shaft up or down. This could work if you plan on moving the transom motor from one boat to another.

Be aware of what the shaft is made out of as well. A shaft can be made with one of the various different kinds of compounds.

It can be made with fiberglass to create a strong body that will not wear out or weaken. The key is for the shaft to be strong enough to go through most water conditions while keeping vibrations from being a problem.


The pontoon boat trolling motor use will link to a proper marine battery. The voltage readout for your motor refers to the battery power you would need to get the motor to run right. In most cases, you will need a 12-volt marine battery. You can use the wires that come with your motor to link to the battery.

Larger motors that have a greater thrust total will require more voltage. You might need to use a 24-volt battery or two 12-volt batteries to get your motor to start working in that case.

You would have to look at the wires that come with your motor to see how well they link to a battery. The trolling motor battery would clearly have to be placed close enough to the motor itself to make the connection a little easier to handle.

But no matter what you use, you would have to watch carefully for how well the wires on your setup work and that you are not getting into any problems with what you have.


The number of speeds that your motor can handle should be explored carefully. Most of today’s trolling motors use five forward speeds and three reverse speeds. These intervals are good enough for helping you to move the boat forward and backward although the speed you will travel at is not going to be all that great.

In most cases, you will not get your boat to go any faster than 10 miles per hour. That is perfectly fine though, what with a trolling motor designed to simply handle a gentle amount of speed and force without overdoing it in some fashion.

Water Condition

Take a look at the conditions of the water that you will be getting into when using your motor. A trolling motor should come with a good body that can handle fresh and saltwater alike.

But be advised that some models are not good with salt water. Check on the specifications of any trolling motor you want to get to see how well your motor can handle salt water.


The warranty on your trolling motor might not be something that you will think about, but it deserves to be explored for how well it might work. The warranty on your trolling motor should work for a few years on average.

The warranty will only cover things that you do that the manufacturer recommends you do with the motor. You would end up voiding the warranty if you try to modify the motor or use it for purposes outside of whatever it is the motor was supposed to be used for.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a listing of sensible questions that should be considered when finding a quality trolling motor. The best point to consider though is to look at the size of your boat versus the particular motor you will use.

How much noise will a motor make?

The noise produced by the motor should be negligible when it is built properly. The housing should conceal the metal parts well enough to keep the sounds of the motor from getting out and being too bothersome to anyone.

This is especially important for the fish that you want to catch as you do not want anything overly loud that might bother the fish.

Is the prop going to cause any disruptions in the water?

The prop will move well enough to generate enough force to move your boat, but it will not cause any significant waves or other changes. This is ideal as the fish you want to find will not feel bothered or threatened by your boat or anything else you are using.

How fast will your boat go with one of these motors?

A typical trolling motor will go from around 4 to 10 miles per hour on average. This is slow enough to allow the water to stay relatively calm and to also allow any bait or lures you attach onto the back to move at a reasonable pace.

Would you have to sharpen the blades on your prop?

You should not have to sharpen the blades as they will work well enough if they have enough thrust in them to cut through the grasses or other surfaces you are trying to move through.

But even so, you should at least watch for how well the blades are laid out and that they are not cracking apart or otherwise wearing out prematurely. By reviewing the blades on occasion, you will get a good idea of how well the prop is working.

How long can a battery work for?

A battery can run for a few hours at a time before it has to be recharged. Be aware of how you use your trolling motor in any situation. You might have to slow down for a while to keep the battery from wearing out quickly.

Can a trolling motor really be a full replacement for traditional oars?

Although a trolling motor can work well for your demands, it helps to at least get some oars on board your pontoon to be safe. This is so you can get enough propulsion going in the event that the battery linked to your motor dies out.

Of course, it might help to just get a few spare marine batteries on board to be safe, but having oars on hand at least helps you out in the event that the worst-case scenario comes about and nothing is working at all.

Can a trolling motor that is designed for use on an inflatable boat also work on a pontoon?

There is no reason why a trolling motor for one type of boat cannot work on another kind. The key is that the motor should be powerful enough to propel a different kind of boat while working without any added disruptions.

But no matter what you use, you must see that the mounting materials used to keep your motor in place are designed carefully and with a proper layout. You might need to put in an extra effort to try and get the motor mounted carefully enough on your surface.

Will a trolling motor add a large amount of weight to your boat?

Your trolling motor should only be around 20 to 40 pounds in weight. It should be just fine for a pontoon.

Can a trolling motor work in intense water conditions?

Not all trolling motors can handle tough waves or intense currents. You might have to get a larger electric engine ready on your pontoon if you are going to get something to move in tough water conditions. Our Motorguide Xi5 review could help you as it is a versatile and strong motor.

How long does it take to actually get one of these motors installed onto a boat?

It should not really take all that much time to get a trolling motor installed. You would have to simply adjust the length of the shaft, attach the motor setup to the transom, secure it properly, and then get the electric wires to link to your marine battery. This should only take a few moments for you to complete.

But as you do this, before mounting a trolling motor you must also look at how well your boat is laid out and that you have the right materials on hand for the task.

The materials should all be included with the motor. That is, you should not have to get anything extra on your end outside of the battery to make the motor work.

But regardless of what you use, you should check on the instruction manual for your motor. This is to get a clear idea of what you can get out of a motor and how it will work with ease in any situation.


The best trolling motor for pontoon boat use will always be one that fits your demands nicely and is easy to apply. Be aware of how your pontoon is laid out and look at how you will use your motor in some situations. Knowing what you can get out of your motor can make a real difference when you get a good plan going for making it all work to your liking.

You must have a unit that is strong enough for your use and will not be overly complicated or hard to utilize. It must also handle the water conditions that you plan on getting out in. Be sure to see what you can use when finding a quality trolling motor that you know will be right for your use and provide you with the help you desire to get out there on the water.

How to Catch Trout | Basics & Tricks That Actually Work

How To Catch Trout

Trout fishing ranks fourth after the bass, panfish, and catfish in North America. When fishing, trout are always known to create a hell of a time for the fishers. Our proven tricks about how to catch trout really work. Trout are known to inhabit the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean. The West Coast create a suitable habitat for trout.

Trout exist in three main species, the Rainbow, Brook, and Brown. The three species exhibit similar characteristics. The wildcard steelhead trout is another species though under the Rainbow trout. The wildcard steelhead spends most of its time in great lakes and oceans. Even though, it spawns in freshwater lakes or even smaller tributaries. Wildcard steelhead breeding tactics are similar to those of salmon fish. The fingerlings that come up are sizable, yet tough for smaller bows. Thus, making them legends among trout anglers.

Trout feed on small fish and other small invertebrates found in the water. However, a twelve-inch trout can only feed on smaller fish. Young trout get referred to as troutlets or even troutlings. Troutlets mature when they get to be two years old. Trout lifespan depends on the species. The rainbow trout has a lifespan of around seven years. Whereas, the lake trout can survive for decades. Trout color also varies depending on the species. They are mostly green in color and have pale yellow spots.

Where To Find Trout

Trout inhabit the cold waters. The ideal water temperatures should be between fifty to sixty degrees Fahrenheit. Mostly, they are found in the cold moving water of the rivers and streams. Lake trout can be caught, stocked, and used to regenerate troutlets in ponds and streams.

Being the most available and easy to get food, trout stands out as food for wildlife. Therefore, trout are also found in the woods. In the woods, trout serve as food for the bears, bobcats, and other fishing wildlife. The remoteness of a stream or a river guarantees the existence of many trout. Those who are interested in catching big fishes, they should start to deal with lake trouts as they are often enormous in size!

Knowing the type of bait to use in varied situations is the most important trick to possess. Some trout baits are used in flowing river water while others, get used in non-flowing water such as that found in the lakes.

Catching trout in lakes

Trout are also known to reside in the deepest ends of great lakes. They grow big hence able to put up fights in case of danger. These trout feed on smaller fish found in lakes’ depths. Tracking trout habitats is a simple and easy task. Even though, catching them is the greater task.

When fishing trout from a lake, one should consider investing in a depth finder. The depth finder will help you to locate the fish in their hidings easily. Even though, trout depth and feeding habits change with the weather.

In early spring, trout swim at an average depth of forty feet. In late spring and early summer, trout tend to swim at an optimal depth of sixty-five feet.

When it is freezing, and the lake’s water ice up, trout are only ten feet deep. But they hardly bite in extreme winter. Those who go for winter fishing should prepare themselves for something else like catfish or crappie.

Things To Acquaint Yourself With When Mastering On How To Catch Trout

If you already know how to catch trout, you are familiar with the following points:

  • Know the current- having a basic understanding of the river or stream you are deciding to go fishing is vital. When you get to learn the shape of the river, it gets easy to locate trout. Deep pools that the water currents create can harbor many trout. Both big and smaller trout can coexist in these pools. Even though, the big trout may inhabit the pools in the early mornings or late evenings.
  • Choose your baits wisely- when going out for trout fishing, it is best to know the type of bait to use. At different stages of life, trout have to feed on a different diet. Having the wrong baits will make one end up capturing the wrong trout. For example, one may carry small insects and worms. By doing so, one might end up capturing the smaller trout. To capture big trout, one should consider using smaller fish as the bait. The Panther Martin Spinning lures are mostly recommended for maximum productivity in trout fishing.
  • You should use a light rod with a five-pound test line. The choice of the rod allows one to employ a variety of tactics to capture trout. The lighter test line serves to reduce friction with the water. By this, it is easy to cast the line to the deepest bottom of a lake or a river. Even though, some lake trout can weigh much more, thus requiring a much heavier rod.

Things to Use When Trout Fishing

Not only are trout a staple food for most anglers, but also, they serve the tastiest on the dinner table. When trout fishing, there are two primary rules to remember;

  • Power bait works only in capturing stocked trout. Unless the trout happen to get concentrated in the river or the stream, the power bait is destined to fail you. One should first locate the rivers and streams with stocked trout before engaging in fishing.
  • Trout of more than twelve inches cut out some invertebrates from their diet. Smaller insects and flies are preys on the smaller fish. However, when a trout matures, it feeds exceptionally on an advanced diet. It is therefore advisable to incorporate all types of baits to lure the fish into the traps. Incorporation of the baits will help the angler catch the kind of fish required.

Even though, power bait is not a good method to use for lakes and ocean trout. Powerbait is effective when fishing on ponds or other stocked farm hatcheries. The reason is, trout in ponds are fed with pellets. With time, they imitate the feeding mechanism used. The sight, scent, and texture of the pellets triggers their hunger, and thus, they move towards the pellets.

The feeding tactic is a conditioned reflex action that makes it easier to use power bait. The trout come together when feeding hence easy to capture them.

However, it is different in the lakes since trout are not fed. They have no idea what the pellets would be, and hence the scent could even send them away.

When interested in catching big trout, one should avoid using flies, or even smaller insects as bait. Big trout have an upgraded diet. These trouts exceptionally feed on smaller fish.

Things to know When Trout Fishing

  • Live baits are most effective in rivers and streams. When you intend to go fishing trout on rivers or streams, you should consider using live baits to get the attention of trout. Rigged worms and hands down nightcrawlers can be used as live baits. They are allowed to flow with the rivers current hence attracting more fish on their way. Other live insects such and crawfish or minnows can also serve as live baits. Catching crawfish or trapping minnows made easy by the modern crawfish traps and effective minnow traps.  A survey at the shore of the fishing ground will help one know the common food for the trout.
  • Artificial flies are also an effective trout bait. The artificial flies are designed to mimic live flies. The use of artificial flies is an effective method and can also be used in any aquatic base harboring trout. One can use the traditional fly fish method or even project the artificial flies using a casting bubble with spin gear.

Common Lures Used for Trout Fishing

Fishers have come up with ways to get them to capture trout easily. All the methods about how to catch trout include lures that attract trout. They have designed even the artificial lures that mimic the insects feed on by trout. Some of the commonly used trout baits include;


When grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets fall into rivers, they are fed on by trout. Critters serve as easy snacks for trout. Though smaller in size, they serve as the staple food for smaller fish.

Anglers have created artificial critters that mimic live ones. The bait makes it easier to capture trout since you have presented them with something familiar. The critters are made to float on the current thus attracting their predators.


Tubes mimic the zooplankton. Even though, they do not float on the water or move. They are effective when kept in the tackle box. Here, trout nibble on the tubes thinking of the planktons thus making them an easy target.


Big trout love feeding on smaller baitfish. Mimics of smaller fish are used to disrupt the water current thus making trout come to the surface to feed. A paddle tail swimbait gets used to disrupt the current, hence capturing trout of your size.

Worm mimics

Live worms are a target for every trout. Thus, designing artificial worms with help with trout capture. Small-sized soft plastic worms are made to mimic live worms. They are made to float, and thus, they get bit by any trout that spots them.

The worms should feature a bright color for easier spotting by the trout in the water. The worm mimic is the most effective trout fishing technique, especially in rivers. Even though, they are still effective to use in large water bodies. The method is simple and hence less tedious. It is used for catching catfish and other fishes as well.


When trout fishing, crankbaits are not the most essential to use. Even though, they can still get used as baits for big trout. Big trout can hit cranks that are half their size. Cranks have sharp teeth similar to those of trout. They have plenty of a surface to fix a snack for the trout. Trout have no problem eating a piece of fish that gets fixed on the crank. The piece might be big, but swallowing is not a problem.

Salmon Eggs

Trout is a notorious type of fish. They are good at scavenging and an impromptu ambush of spawning beds of other fish. After raiding the beds, they feed on the eggs of other fish.

The notoriety is so rampant that even when you cut the trout belly, you will still find the eggs. A tactful way has been designed to curb their notoriety and help capture trout. Bio pro eggs, which are a look-alike of the fish eggs get threaded on a size six hook. Trout will feed on the eggs greedily and hence easily captured.


Most trout, most commonly the lake trout love biting a small silver spoon. One can purchase lures that imitate the spoon to capture the fish.

The spoons are flashy. They feature feathers at their tips. Sometimes, the flashy spoons contain waxed worms at their tips. These serve as bait for trout for almost a year. Even though, the bite rate gets reduced when it is colder. The flashiness of the spoons is enticing. It lures the fish into biting them.


Spinners and rooster tail serves as the most effective lures used by most anglers nationwide. Spinners and rooster tails are easily manipulated to stay in and out on a swivel. They are highly liked by trout, and they can get a bite anywhere in a lake. Spinners and rooster tails have flapping blades. The blades are designed to flap to add a glint of light to the river current.

Power Bait

It is the use of pellets in the form of dough to lure trout into the bait. Many power baits exist but most importantly is that they can get trout in the trap. The tactic is only applicable where trout are stocked.

Having different colors of the power bait will help attract more fish. Even though, it is advisable to use the color that the trout in the pond or any other hatchery are used to seeing. The pellets are balled up onto a hook then set to the waters.

More trout will come to the surface as power bait is a condition state in their mind. Its scent and event its smell lure the trout into the hooks.

Trout Fishing At Night

Some anglers like to fish at night. Night fishing trips are getting popular, no doubt about it. Actually, they use underwater fishing lights of different colors to attract baitfishes or insects to their fishing spot.

After that, the bigger fishes come to the spot like crazy. That is the time when the anglers go into the attack to get them in the bucket.


Trout fishing is a thrilling adventure when equipped with the best techniques on how to catch trout. Trout serves to provide some nutritional supplements abundant in proteins. It is a staple food for most anglers and people of North America. The feeling and the joy of capturing a good fish is simply priceless.

Best Fish Finder For Kayak 2021 | Reviews & Buying Guide

Sometimes a smaller and more portable kayak can come in handy for fishing. In fact, you can use the best fish finder for kayak to help you find the fish that you want out there. Why? Most people assume that you need a large boat to go fishing.

Best Fish finder For Kayak

This is due to not only the potential for you to collect many fishes but also from the massive materials you might need to get just to go out and find fish. But not everyone can afford to get a large boat.

You don’t have to get a large boat out if you want to go fishing. A kayak can be all you need when looking to get out there onto the open water.

You will love getting close to the water while enjoying time out fishing. The peaceful scenery of the water and the great outdoors will make for an experience unlike anything else you might get into. But you will have to look at what you can get when finding a quality fish finder.

There are many options to see when finding the best fish finder for a kayak. These are made with smaller bodies that are easier to handle. They will also include various details to help you identify where the fish are in your area. This could make your fishing trip all the more enjoyable as you can find all the fish you want to catch.

This guide is all about identifying a great fishfinder that you know will work for your demands. Be sure you look around here to get a clear idea of what you can use and that you have the best possible choice for your demands. As you will see in this guide, these fishfinders are diverse over how they are laid out and the features that they offer for your trip needs.

Comparison For The Best Fish Finder For Kayak

Fish FinderSize (inches) Depth (feet) Transducer Data
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Venterior VT-FF001 Portable Fishfinder332825 foot cable on a round transducer
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Deeper Smart Portable Fish FinderVaries by phone or tablet130130 foot casting range on the spherical transducerCheck Price On Amazon
iBobber Wireless Bluetooth Smart Fish FinderVaries by phone or tablet 135Syncs with a Bluetooth-enabled device up to 100 feet awayCheck Price On Amazon
HawkEye Fishtrax 1C2240Uses its own extending arm
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Eyoyo 7” TFT LCD Monitor Fish Finder 1000TVL7About 100 feet30m cable for viewing what is under the water
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Vectorcom Portable Fish Finder2300100-foot casting range on the unitCheck Price On Amazon
Venterior Portable Fish Finder230025-foot wire for the transducerCheck Price On Amazon
Docooler Portable Fishing Finder3.598425-foot wire on the transducerCheck Price On Amazon
Deeper Smart Sonar PRO+Varies by phone or tablet260Operates with a Wi-Fi link up to 330 feet away
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Deeper Smart Sonar PRO Varies by phone or tablet 260Operates with a Wi-Fi link up to 330 feet awayCheck Price On Amazon

Elaborated Features Of The Top Fish Finders For Kayaks

The fish finders listed here are all different based on how they operate and what displays they will include. Some options are rudimentary while others might link to a larger mobile device.

Whatever you use, you must look at how well each of these choices works for your demands. Top ten fish finders for kayak:

  1. Venterior VT-FF001 Portable Fish finder
  2. Deeper Smart Portable Fish Finder
  3. iBobber Wireless Bluetooth Smart Fish Finder
  4. HawkEye Fishtrax 1C
  5. Eyoyo 7” TFT LCD Monitor Fish Finder 1000TVL
  6. Vectorcom Portable Fish Finder
  7. Venterior Portable Fish Finder
  8. Docooler Portable Fish finder
  9. Deeper Smart Sonar PRO+
  10. Deeper Smart Sonar PRO

These fish finders can be used in a kayak, canoe or boat. Those who like kayaking, canoeing, or fishing, they should know the canoe vs kayak pros & cons.

Venterior VT-FF001

Venterior VT-FF001 Portable Fish finder

Start your search for the best fish finder for kayak by looking at the Venterior VT-FF001. This offers a design where you can link the transducer to not only the bottom part of your boat but also to someplace a little deeper in the water.

With this fish finder, you can attach it to a 25-foot cable and allow it to float in the water or to move a little deeper down with a pole. Whatever you plan on doing with it, you can use this to generate the appropriate signals you wish to work with.

This will detect the water depth in your area and list information on any short or tall weeds in a spot. The fish displays will help you identify the approximate location of where each fish is in a spot.

It can identify most types of fish and always works to find active ones. It does not read anything that does not produce substantial vibrations, thus ensuring the fish you find are the ones that are actually moving around in the water.


  • Versatile for working in many environments
  • Fish alarms let you know when something has been found
  • Works at around 300 feet deep


  • Fish readouts are not accurate
  • The screen looks extremely rudimentary and can get jumbled up fast

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Deeper Smart Portable Fish Finder

Deeper Smart Portable Fish finder

The attractive design of this spherical fish finder makes it a popular choice to have in your kayak. It uses a Bluetooth connection that links to your mobile device. With this, you will secure the base to the rear end of your boat while a ball will be hung onto the back of the kayak. As the ball trolls the water, it identifies signals through its transducer. This identifies vibrations in the water and can be cast out by around 130 feet from your kayak. This also reads fish up to 130 feet in the water although it works best in clear conditions.

The Bluetooth link will move the data on your fish finder to a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone. You would have to use the appropriate app from Deeper on your mobile device to help you read what you are coming across while you use it.

A dual-frequency sonar beam is used here. This works at two frequencies and angles to create a wider scan range. This, in turn, produces a more accurate readout when used accordingly.


  • Dual sonar system offers a better readout
  • Works in many water conditions including salt water
  • Compatible with Android and iOS devices


  • Will not work well if the water is too cloudy
  • Might be difficult to carry a tablet with you while fishing

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iBobber Wireless Bluetooth Smart Fish Finder

iBobber Wireless Bluetooth Smart Fish Finder

Another Bluetooth-enabled device for Android and iOS users, this iBobber model features a smart layout. The unit can link up to your kayak as a bobber or even as something you can cast out into the water further from your kayak.

You can use this fish finder without having to permanently install it onto any surfaces in your vessel. This also works with a detailed app that helps you to record more information on what you are finding while on the water. The finder lists information on things like the specific areas you are at through a GPS readout, a trip log that mentions details on your fishing trip based on readouts, and even real-time weather information. The details listed give you a clear idea of what you are finding during your trip and could help you to plan future fishing trips.

This all works with readouts that are comparable with what you might get off of a much larger fish finder. But this all works without having to add an extra receiver. You just have to use your own mobile device to make it work without being too complicated or hard to use.


  • The battery lasts for up to ten hours on a recharge
  • LED beacon lets you see where the fishfinder is
  • Alarms go off when fish are identified


  • Needs consistent Bluetooth connection and extensive setup
  • Might be harder for the fishfinder to work if cast too far away from you

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HawkEye Fishtrax 1C

HawkEye Fishtrax 1C

The fourth option to find here is the HawkEye Fishtrax 1C. The 14-degree beam angle adds a good touch that helps you find fish with ease. It includes a fish depth scale that measures the approximate depth from your boat to the fish.

A series of indicators are also used to see how the bottom of the water floor looks. The sonar setup can be adjusted into one of many intensity levels with two sonar settings working to find more fish. You can adjust the intensity to determine the specific types of fish you are aiming to come across.

The display screen reveals a full-color layout of the ocean floor with the colors changing based on how close you are to certain spots. The screen also gives you an idea of how deep the water in your area is and what the water temperature is. These give you ideas on what to find in the water and can even help you to plan your bait based on the conditions.


  • Sonar signals travel fast into the water
  • Easily portable, although you can mount it to your kayak too
  • Can eliminate noise by avoiding smaller items that will not make an impact


  • More accurate in spots closer to you
  • The screen looks too ordinary or vague at times
  • Sensitivity levels might cause you to find more than what you are really looking for

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Eyoyo 7” TFT LCD Monitor Fish Finder 1000TVL

Eyoyo TFT LCD Monitor Fish finder 1000TVL

Eyoyo makes this model with a slightly different approach to how it works. Instead of using a sonar device, this uses an actual camera that you move into the water. The link produces a full-color image, but the items that come with it ensure that your connection works well.

This LCD monitor finder uses a 7-inch TFT monitor with a sun visor on the top. You can remove the visor if desired.

The 7-inch screen uses an HD layout with around a thousand lines on its body. This produces a clearer and more realistic appearance.

The camera comes with twelve LED lights to produce enough visibility in even the darkest or toughest spaces under the water. You can adjust the light through the controls on the screen.

This is all prepared with a sturdy case. The case allows you to transport the screen, camera, and other items anywhere. This is valuable considering how the camera itself has some fragile parts that need to be protected as well as possible.

The wiring used on the camera itself is also sturdy and will not wear out in most basic water conditions. The coating that goes over the wiring ensures that everything inside the space is fully protected.


  • The clear screen offers a brilliant look
  • Easy to move the camera in and out of the water
  • Adjustable lights make seeing in deep water conditions easy


  • Camera parts are fragile
  • Does not provide a 360-degree view like what a traditional fish finder offers
  • Does not work in extreme temperatures whether they are hot or cold

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Vectorcom Portable Fishfinder

Vectorcom Portable Fish finder

Vectorcom makes this fish finder a basic option that is suitable for a majority of fishing needs. The finder uses a body that connects to a transducer through a simple wire and plug. The transducer can particularly handle most water conditions and can go more than 300 feet into the water.

This is a flexible model as the transducer does not have to be fixed to the boat at all times. You can use the float feature on the transducer to get it a little further into the water.

You can also attach the unit onto the kayak hull or you can use a pole to get it away from your local spot. The design lets you carry this around in any spot and could even be used during the winter season for ice fishing purposes.

This all comes with a readout that gives you information on how deep the water in a spot is and where the fish are located. This includes information on where they are in relation to the underwater floor. The estimates are designed to be accurate while providing you with a decent range for getting your fishing items out there well enough.


  • Simple setup makes using it easy to handle
  • Offers a wide detection range
  • Can read the information on most fish in your local area


  • The screen can be difficult to read
  • Accuracy is not as strong as what you might find on some other models

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Venterior Portable Fish Finder

Venterior Portable Fish finder

Venterior makes this fish finder as a model that gives you additional information on what is happening with the fish where you are. It can work at depths of about 300 feet and uses a 25-foot cable for the transducer.

A removable float is available to let you get the transducer out to more spots near your boat. The transducer float works well for moving it into the water, but you might need to add an extra lead weight onto the bottom just to be safe if the water is a little too intense.

Like with some other models on this list, the Venterior transducer lets you move it into many spaces around the water. By using this appropriately, it becomes easy for you to see where fish might be no matter what the conditions are.

You can even use this in some deeper spots by using a longer rod to let the readout move outward even further. But you would have to watch for how the transducer wire can go out by only a certain amount of space at a time.

The small digital display provides points on the fish in your local area and is easy to read from any spot on your kayak. The layout shows the information on the water depth and the temperature of the water. These are available in standard and metric readouts as well.


  • Uses an auto-shutoff feature when idle for a few minutes
  • Gives you more information on all the items on the waterbed


  • The receiver does not do well when it gets wet
  • Auto-shutoff might active without much warning
  • Wire for the transducer is rather short

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Docooler Portable Fish Finder

Docooler Portable Fish finder

FThe 3.5-inch LCD screen on this fish finder makes it a popular model for those who want to find fish in any spot. The unit can even read items from nearly a thousand feet deep in the water, thus making it one of the strongest fish finders for kayakers to use.

The dual-beam sonar system makes it easy for you to get the finder to identify fish no matter how deep you go.

The display gives a detailed and curvy look at what the waterbed is like while the fish on the display are listed alongside approximate details on how deep they are in the water. It all comes with the standard distance and temperature readouts that you would expect to find out of a fish finder such as this.

You can even adjust this to work with either one of the two sonar frequencies or both at the same time. Be advised that using both at once will cause the battery to run out a little faster, although that can be said about any kind of fish finder that uses sonar technology.

The flat surface on the bottom gives you the opportunity to get the fish finder mounted onto the area near your seat. You would have to get this part installed carefully with the proper transducer setup added if possible.

It might still be better for you to get a separate transducer for your use as the one that this comes with might not work well enough for getting too deep or far off into a spot.


  • Simple readout adds a convenient look
  • Display setup is not overly complex
  • Offers better depth coverage than most other similar models


  • The transducer that comes with this has too short of wire for it
  • The receiver does not handle water well

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Deeper Smart Sonar PRO+

Deeper Smart Sonar PRO+

Deeper has made this special edition of its sonar fish finder with a brilliant layout that does more for finding things underwater. In addition to its strong sonar capabilities, this model also comes with a series of lights to help give the unit an easier time identifying what is under the water.

This uses a Wi-Fi connection to link up to your mobile device. It works with your smartphone or tablet to quickly produce a clear display that shows what the fish finder is identifying. It works effortlessly to find what is in your area and will produce maps on your device quickly. You can even save those maps for later use, thus allowing you to keep the unit working.

This even works from more than 300 feet away. It can give you information on fish, vegetation, rocks, temperatures, and many other points. You could even leave the unit out in the water for as long as desired so long as the Wi-Fi connection on the unit continues to stay strong and work accordingly.


  • The body is very sturdy and easy to set up
  • Information on your app is more detailed than what most other fish finders might offer


  • Tough to hold onto a smartphone or tablet in your kayak in some cases
  • Takes a while for some GPS maps to load up

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Deeper Smart Sonar PRO

Deeper Smart Sonar PRO

The last of these fish finders to see is a more basic version of the Sonar PRO+ model that Deeper makes. This works with many of the basic controls and functions that the old model uses. It offers a Wi-Fi connection range of around 330 feet and can review things in the water from 260 feet deep.

This unit is extremely precise. It can identify fish as little as half an inch in size. But you can always adjust the unit to display only things that are a little larger in size. You would have to use the app that comes with this program to get this feature to work.

The unit offers a carefully arranged layout where people can identify the temperature and depth of the water among other vital points. You can also use the Boat Mode feature to create a full map of the waters in your area. You can also use the Lake book data management program to make it easier for you to review the data.


  • Reads items quickly
  • The strong body does not wear out fast
  • App lets you link to a larger computer to plan your fishing trips and to analyze your performance


  • Might have a harder time reading things in salt water bodies

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Buying Guide 

This section focuses on many points that you should explore when getting the best fish finder for kayaks. These concentrate on many points that make it easier for you to go fishing, but you should see how well your model of interest is laid out.

Review the Display

The key for the display on your fish finder is to keep it from being overly large. Stick with something that is about five inches in size at the most. This is enough to create something visible without getting in the middle of your line of sight.

Some displays come with full-color layouts while others are simply in black and white. A design may come with a full layout showing the specific size of a fish or how deep it is.

Others might produce an accurate layout of how the underwater floor looks. Some models might be rather rudimentary without offering much information at a time. Be aware of what you are coming across when finding a good display screen in any case.

What Are the Mounting Points?

The mounting system you use on your fish finder should not add lots of weight. The mount should attach to the seating area of the kayak while not taking up far too much space.

Keep the mounting system at just a few pounds in weight in the best case so the system does not add far too much drag in the process.

Not all fish finders need to be mounted. Some models are portable, but those units are much smaller in size and could be easy to lose if you are not careful enough with handling them.

Of course, anything that would link up to a smartphone or tablet would not have to be mounted, although you could always try to find a third party mounting unit for something like this if you really feel a need for it.

Analyze the Transducer

A transducer is vital for your fish finder. You need the transducer to take in details on movements in the water and where they may be located. Some fish finders come with their own transducers, but sometimes you might have to spend a little something extra on one depending on how your finder is laid out.

The transducer on your fish finder should come with a body that you can quickly mount. It can be mounted inside the hull. You can also get it added through a pipe within the Scudder hole.

Some suction cup attachments or others that use adhesives might allow you to get the transducer attached to any part of your boat. Such cups or other binding agents might come apart quickly if not used well enough.

You would have to regularly check your boat to see that the transducer, in this case, is actually attached properly.

How Can the Transducer Work?

Depending on the model you order, you might get the transducer on your fish finder to identify fish from well off of your boat. You can use some models that feature a pole or wire that lets you move the transducer into one of many spots.

Some transducers might work alongside a floating item you add into the water. Others could even be completely removed from your kayak and be used in small ice fishing holes during the kayak fishing offseason. Check with any fish finder you want to see how well it might be laid out along the water.

What Is Sonar?

Some transducers work with sonar features. Sonar is a popular technology that identifies items underwater. It produces sound waves and reviews the reflections produced in the water. These include reflections from fish, plants, and the bottom of the water surface.

A sonar readout will give you an approximate layout of where fish might be. A series of displays on your screen should include spots that show the sizes of the fish being identified.

The sonar unit can also read the information on how the fish are moving around in the water. This includes looking into how they are vibrating in the water.

Sometimes the sonar might work with one angle from the transponder into the water. In other cases, the sonar may work with two separate angles to add a better readout and to cover more space for finding fish. For more information about this matter, you may have a look at how does s fishfinder work.

Can It Link To Your Phone?

Some of the choices you will come across when finding the best fish finder for kayaks include links that let you get what’s on the finder onto a mobile device.

These include fishfinders that come with cable links or Bluetooth connections to let you see what is in the water through your mobile device.

Having a good link might be perfect in that you can get more information on what is in the water through a mobile app. The screen might be a little easier to read in some cases.

You can always take the device out of your pocket without having to mount it anywhere too. It might take a bit of time for a connection to be set up though. This is especially for a Bluetooth link.

The instructions for making this work will vary based on the fish finder you have and your mobile device.

Some fish finders may work with Wi-Fi signals instead. These signals are easier to handle because they can be read fast without having to get an overly complicated technical setup ready.

But you would have to watch for any obstacles that get in the middle of your Wi-Fi signals. Your fish finder will stop working if the Wi-Fi signal or any other wireless connection is suddenly disrupted.

Be aware of the distance you can place between the fish finder and the mobile device too.

Get the Power Supply Ready

The power supply you use for your fish finder should be checked properly. You will have to use some kind of battery that links up to the fish finder itself. This comes as the kayak will not have its own dedicated motor in most cases.

You can always add a portable marine battery into the inside part of your kayak if desired, but you would have to keep that battery from being far too heavy if it is going to work well enough.

Also, some batteries might be included with a fish finder to help you use it without having to connect to anything larger. But those batteries can run out quickly and will have to be recharged after a bit. Keeping the fish finder linked up to a larger battery for a while might be the best thing to do when trying to keep things running well.

GPS Features

You can get a GPS setup ready in your fish finder in some cases. A GPS unit will help you to monitor where you are in particular. It may work with map data loaded onto your fish finder, thus giving you a detailed idea of how the water looks.

You can also save waypoints on your unit. This lets you save information on where you might be going.

For better performance, you can use the Lowrance hook2 4x with a Bullet Skimmer transducer.

Be advised though that the GPS functionality on a fish finder will use up more battery power. You do have the option to turn off the GPS feature on most fish finders. In such a case, you would have to get the battery turned off.

Our post about the best GPS fish finder combo may be convenient for some of you.

What Is the Operating Temperature?

The operating temperature for your fish finder should be good enough for most of the environments you plan on getting out into. A fish finder can work at temperatures from around 0 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

This should be enough for a majority of fishing activities, including any ice fishing events you want to get into during the kayak fishing offseason.

Batteries May Be Needed

Sometimes a fish finder might link to a larger marine battery, but in other cases, it might simply need a few disposable alkaline batteries. Smaller models use AAA batteries while larger choices come with AA batteries. A proper model should have the option to be tied up to a larger battery so you will always have power on hand.

Rechargeable batteries can also be used on some models. These include options that can be recharged through a dedicated charging port or even through a USB link depending on the model you utilize.

Check on how well your fish finder operates based on such a battery before using it or getting it charged up. Also, such a unit that features a rechargeable battery would require you to fully charge up the unit before you use it for the first time; you cannot get such a device to work out of the box immediately.

Recharging Points

It can take a little longer for the battery on a fish finder to recharge than what you might expect. You might have to spend about six to eight hours on average to get it fully charged up again. Take a look at how well the recharging feature on your fish finder works before using it.

More importantly, you would have to avoid keeping the fish finder in a charging station for far too long. By keeping a unit in a charging spot for too long, you risk overheating the battery and possibly reducing its capacity.

Screen Brightness

Take a look at how well the screen on your fish finder is laid out. The problem with some fish finders is that they have screens that might be hard to read while in the sun. They might produce huge glares that make it harder for you to see what is out in a space.

The best fish finder for kayak should have a screen that can resist glare and create a good layout that you can see in any light. A model that has an adjustable brightness feature might also work. This lets you adjust how the display looks while also keeping the battery usage down when you dim it by a bit. The adjustable brightness setup would have to be accessed through a separate control layout.

What About a Floating Unit?

An interesting thing about some fish finders is that they use little bobbing devices that float on the water. Such a device works by using a floating item on the back end of the boat. This might come with a ball shape although the design will vary based on where you go for it.

The floating item will emit signals to the bottom to help identify what is in a spot. It can be trolled along the back of the boat to create a larger readout that covers more information. This can even be linked to either a standard fish finder readout or onto your own mobile device. The control setup offered here adds a good design that you will want to utilize.

Waterproof Functionality

You are bound to get way on your fish finder, what with your kayak being so close to the water. But the best fish finder for kayaks can be made with a great waterproof body that keeps you from struggling with water getting in the way and hurting the inside components of your unit.

The seals and openings on your fish finder should be secure and capable of keeping water out of the way. This point is critical to see if you plan on going on any saltwater surfaces that might disrupt the components inside your fish finder.

Working With a Mobile Device

As you read earlier, some of the fish finders available for your use can work with your existing mobile device. These include items that link to a smartphone or tablet through a Bluetooth connection.

These items can work well provided that you have a close enough link between the fish finder and your mobile device. It might be difficult to get a Bluetooth link ready if the distance between your item and the reader is too great.

Also, many of these fish finders will work with most mobile devices. Check with your individual device to see how well it might work for you in any situation and that you can get a good enough link ready on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where on the kayak should the fish finder be mounted to?

Although you can get a fish finder mounted anywhere on your kayak, you should keep it in the middle part of the vessel if possible. This is to keep the boat from tilting in one direction.

The transducer part should be affixed to the back part of the boat. The wires leading from the transducer to the display can move along on the inside part of the kayak cabin. The display should then appear on the front part so you can see it while moving forward in the water.

The key is that the fish finder is in a safe spot while still being easy to read. You have to keep it visible so you will not lose track of anything you are trying to manage at a time.

What will you need when getting your fish finder installed?

To install the best fish finder for a kayak, you would have to get a few bits for securing holes inside your kayak. These holes are needed for getting wires, bolts, and other items secured inside the kayak.

All holes should be smaller than the bolts and screws you plan on using. A waterproof seal should be produced when those units move through all the way. You will also require the transducer and display among other items that you have when getting it installed.

What steps work in the installation process?

The installation process can vary based on what you are using, but you should look at how well you can get it to work for you. Several steps must be followed when trying to install your fish finder the right way:

  1. Start by getting the transducer around the back part of the ship’s hull.
  2. Move the cable for the transducer into the hull. The sensors and cables around the transducer should straddle the bottom of the kayak and not hang off.
  3. After everything is tightened well enough, the transducer wires can link to power cables.
  4. You can get the power cables connected to a battery. Sometimes they can attach to the battery with clips, but you might have to solder them together if needed or if you simply prefer that option.
  5. Add the display screen to the unit. You would have to link the battery and transducer wires to the fish finder display, but some models come with Bluetooth features that let you operate this without any extra wires.
  6. You should turn on the display and battery to get the unit to start working.

This is only a sample of ideas of what you should do when getting your fish finder ready. Check the instruction manual with your fish finder and transducer to see what you have to do with it.

How big do the fish have to be for your fish finder to actually identify them?

A fish should be at least 10 cm in size for your fish finder to read it. Each fish finder works differently over how it can identify such fish, so look at the specifics for whatever you are using to get an idea of how it can work.

How big can a fish be?

A fish finder should identify fish around three to six inches in size. Some models might struggle to find larger fish.

Is a fish finder capable of distinguishing between one large fish and a group of fish?

Some fish finders might include detailed readouts that show how big fish are, but others might simply generalize the results and just show that there are fish in one spot.

The limitations of the fish finder you are using will make a big difference regarding how well it can work and how you can find fish in any case.

How does the sensitivity feature on a fish finder work?

The sensitivity feature will work by allowing you to adjust how well the unit can identify fish in a spot. This would require you to adjust the unit by having it review the sizes of fish and by eliminating results that are within a certain size. This helps you to keep the results you find under control while keeping you from finding anything that might be too small or unnecessary for your fishing desires.

Can a fish finder identify motionless fish?

A fish finder will typically not identify any fish that isn’t moving. These include baitfish and any dead ones. The lack of vibrations from a motionless fish ensures that your finder will not produce any false alarms off of those fish.

Does the control unit have to include lots of buttons?

Some of the larger or more detailed fish finders on the market can come with a good number of buttons for your control needs. Not all of these devices need to have all of these buttons though. Be aware of what you are using when getting these buttons ready for any situation you run into.


The problem with fishing is that it can take a while for you to find the fish that you want to catch. You need a good tool that will help you with getting the fish that you want sooner. Working with a quality fish finder will make a world of difference when you consider how well it can work for catching fish in any space.

Be advised when getting out on the water that you will need to get an appropriate fish finder ready for your use. A great fish finder model makes it easier for you to go outdoors and find all the fish you want to catch. It should be compact without adding lots of weight to your kayak.

More importantly, it should not be tough to set up. Be sure when looking at a quality model that you have something that fits perfectly into your space without being a challenge to use.

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